Dr. McCafferty publishes an article in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
KENNESAW, Ga. (Jul 6, 2016) — Dr. McCafferty published an article "The importance of counties: Examining the predictive validity of a state juvenile risk assessment instrument" in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. This study investigated predictive validity estimates of a juvenile risk assessment tool on a sample of 2,841 juvenile delinquents across 33 counties in Ohio. The results indicated that while validly predictive at the state-level, there was significant variation in the prediction of recidivism across the individual counties. Further analyses showed that the instrument could predict recidivism in counties on which it was not originally designed and that it performed significantly better in counties with higher crime rates. The article can be found at: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10509674.2016.1194944