Dr. Stan Crowder mentors a Woodstock High School Senior
KENNESAW, Ga. (Apr 21, 2017) — Dr. Stan Crowder completed a 9-month mentorship for Woodstock High School senior, Julie Stubblefield, for her High School Senior Capstone Career Project. Ms. Stubblefield's project included a field trip to the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office to observe an autopsy, sitting in on several of Dr. Crowder's lectures on serial offenders, crime scene analysis, death investigations, and criminal profiling, as well as, individual one on one guidance and learning from Dr. Crowder. Ms. Stubblefield's presentation of a crime scene reconstruction and sketch was conducted on April 19th and judged by professionals from the area at Woodstock High School. Dr. Crowder commented, "This is community outreach that results in recruiting the best from local high school seniors."