Journalism students in COM 4488 create a multimedia vision of the Marietta square district
KENNESAW, Ga. (Apr 28, 2011) — Marietta in Motion is an initiative by the Com 4488 Multi-media Visions of Community class at Kennesaw State University. Eight seniors prepared two presentations for review, specifically themed within the historic Marietta Square district. These journalism students explored their talents in film production, videography, editing, photography, writing and graphic design in an effort to produce a collective product. Through collaborative meetings and use of interactive social media platforms (Twitter and Facebook), Com 4488 presents an overview of the Marietta square district. One of the presentations is a Web site featuring the video projects prepared by Annie Sneed, Austin Smith, Adrien Wehunt, Mike Romeo and Curtis Cosby. The second is an online magazine archiving the written profiles, news and features, plus photos prepared by Austin Smith, Mike Romeo, John Turner, Gina Thompson and Maria Yanovsky.