Marietta Daily Journal elicits opinion of Dr. Zebich-Knos in article about ClimateGate scandal, summit and EPA
KENNESAW, Ga. (Dec 9, 2009) — Kennesaw State University professor Michele Zebich-Knos was quoted as an expert source in a recent article printed in the Marietta Daily Journal about the ongoing ClimateGate scandal, summit and EPA.
Marietta Daily Journal article:
KSU professor: E-mails won't affect summit
Excerpt of Article:
Kennesaw State University professor Michele Zebich-Knos said it can be difficult to
distinguish between consequences of natural elements and those of man-made pollution.
"Climate change is a natural variation...There has been a lot of variation over the span of time. And over the last 10,000 years, things have been fairly constant, but after the advent of the industrial revolution, we have seen warming," said Zebich-Knos, professor and program director for International Policy Management in the university's Department of Political Science and International Affairs.