Hybridity & the City | a symposium on LITERATURE, NEW MEDIA, and ART in CIVIC LIFE
As the Atlanta metropolitan area continues to grow, expanding cultural offerings,
employment opportunities for creators, and influence in global culture, Kennesaw State
University’s Department of English invites our faculty, students, and friends to participate
in a symposium exploring the relationship between literary culture, new media, popular
culture, art, and urban environments.
How do cities like Atlanta inspire poetry, pop culture, and public art? What makes
urban areas urbane and humane? What does identity look like for an individual or a
community within the context of a city, suburb, or other designed space? How does
the spread of urbanization into the suburbs and beyond affect the lived environments
of humans and animals, and of ecology more broadly?
Paul Jenkins
Paul Jenkins is a British born comic writer who lives in Atlanta, GA. He began his
career at Mirage Studios working on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Jenkins has written
some of the biggest characters for Marvel and DC Comics, including Spider-Man, Batman,
Incredible Hulk, and Hellblazer. He is best known for reviving The Inhumans as part
of Marvel Knights and creating The Sentry for Marvel Comics. Jenkins also writes for
video games on hits like The Darkness and Incredible Hulk.
Jason Finch
Jason Finch is Associate Professor, English Language and Literature, at Åbo Akademi
University. Previous books include E. M. Forster and English Place (2011), Deep Locational
Criticism (2016) and, as co-editor, Literary Second Cities (2017). A founder member
of the Association for Literary Urban Studies (ALUS), from 2019–22 he is Principal
Investigator for Finland on the project ‘Public Transport as Public Space in European
Cities’ (PUTSPACE), funded by the ERC’s HERA programme. Jason’s literary urban research
interests include London, housing representations and public transport
Ludovic Mompelat
Ludovic Mompelat’s research interests encompassed by his double PhD in French Linguistics
and Computational Linguistics include Sociolinguistics, Language Contact, Creole Languages,
Syntax, Corpus Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning.
Devon Lee Woodson
Devon Woodson is a musician, community leader and the 3rd generation owner of legendary
Atlanta blues bar Pals Lounge located in the historic MLK Jr. district on Auburn Avenue
in Atlanta, Ga. He is also the president of the Fourth & Sweet Auburn Neighborhood
District Association.