Radow College Digital Education Council
The Digital Education Council is an Ad-Hoc committee of the Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
RepresentativeSchool or Department
Bryn GravittEnglish
Uli IngramGeography and Anthropology
Rebecca LeFebvreGovernment and International Affairs
LeeAnn LandsHistory and Philosophy
Theodore BullardInterdisciplinary Studies
Amanda WolfePsychological Sciences
Ian DunhamSchool of Communication and Media
Sara EvansSociology and Criminal Justice
TBDTechnical Communication and Interactive Design
Noah McLaughlinWorld Languages and Culture
Kris DuRocherDean's Office (non-voting)
Kathryn MorganDLI (non-voting)
Holly SedysDLI (non-voting)
Feb 5, 2025: 12:30-1:30
March 5, 2025: 12:30-1:30
April 16, 2025: 12:30-1:30
Wed. August 28th 12:30-1:30
Wed. Sept. 25th 12:30-1:30
Wed. Oct. 23rd 12:30-1:30
Wed. Dec 4th 12:30-1:30