Radow College Digital Education Council

The Digital Education Council is an Ad-Hoc committee of the Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences. 


  • Representative
    School or Department
  • Bryn Gravitt
  • Matthew Mitchelson
    Geography and Anthropology
  • Rebecca LeFebvre
    Government and International Affairs
  • LeeAnn Lands
    History and Philosophy
  • Theodore Bullard 
    Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Amanda Wolfe
    Psychological Sciences 
  • Ian Dunham
    School of Communication and Media
  • Sara Evans
    Sociology and Criminal Justice
  • Leslie Hankey
    Technical Communication and Interactive Design
  • Noah McLaughlin
    World Languages and Culture
  • Kris DuRocher
    Dean's Office (non-voting)
  • Kathryn  Morgan
    DLI (non-voting)




