Michael Twitty is an African-American Jewish chef, author, educator, and culinary historian, whose writings and teachings combine extensive historical, genealogical research with personal stories and reflections.

Michael Twitty SpeakingHis 2017 memoir, The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South, was the recipient of the James Beard award for Writing and Book of the Year.

In his new book, Koshersoul, Michael Twitty navigates the journey and junction of African and Jewish cultures and cuisine.

Come hear Michael Twitty speak on the complexities and confluence of faith, race, and food.



GA Humanities This project is supported by Georgia Humanities, in partnership with the Georgia Department of Economic Development, through funding from the Georgia General Assembly.


  • FREE parking is available on the 5th Level of the Central Parking Deck located at 525 Parliament Garden Way, NW, Kennesaw GA 30144. Additionally, paid visitor parking is available at $3.00/hr. or $12 per day in Visitor Lot J. Download the map for theater and parking lot locations.

  • This event is free and open to the public.

  • R.S.V.P.s are not required to attend. However, we are interested in gauging the number of books to have on hand at the book signing following the lecture, as well as understanding where our audience is coming from and how attendees learned about the event.

  • After the lecture, books will be available for purchase during the book-signing event. However, feel free to bring your own copy of Michael Twitty’s book and he will be happy to sign your copy.

  • Mask are not required to attend this event. However, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask, feel free to do so.

  • Michael Twitty is the author of The Cooking Gene, which won the James Beard Foundation Book of the Year Award, A Savor the South Cookbook, Rice and Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew

  • Michael Twitty created a blog dedicated to African American historic foodways, has appeared on numerous television programs including, Bizarre Foods America with Andrew Zimmerman, Many Rivers to Cross with Henry Louis Gates, and Netflix’s High on the Hog.

