Conflict "The Vast Enigma" Workshop

Date: September 30, 2022

Time: 8:30am-4:00pm

Location: Kennesaw State University

3201 Campus Loop Road—Room 107

Kennesaw, GA 30144

Trainer: John F. Martin, ESQ., Mediator / Trainer/ Conflict Coach


Early Bird:            $150.00 By September 2, 2022

General Public:    $200.00 After September 2, 2022,

USG Employees:  $100.00        


When someone thinks of “conflict”, it’s a natural response to run for the hills, avoiding conflict at all costs, and to consider conflict as a negative eight letter word.  In reality, conflict, when approached  constructively, is healthy as it provides an opportunity for each party to express their side.  What gives conflict life are the emotions that parties attach to the conflict. This workshop, we will dive deep into the interworking's of “conflict”.

 Learning Objectives:

1.  What is conflict? Is it good or bad?
2.  Discuss what are the five behavioral styles associated with conflict.
3.  The emotions that generally arise from conflict?
4.  Address the Core Concerns Framework with conflict.
5.  Examine the three step model of forgiveness and the importance of forgiveness.
6.  Interactive activities and role plays.

Deadline to Register: September 23, 2022

Cancellation Fees: Prior to September 2, 2022, full refund. September 3-23, 2022, a $25.00 cancellation fee. After September 23, 2022: no refund.
