Current Holdings

The Center for the Study of the Civil War Era has hundreds of books cataloged in the collection. For a list of these books or to search for a specific collection item, please visit the website of the Horace W. Sturgis Library on the KSU campus by using the link and directions detailed below.


Searching for CSCWE books in the Library Catalog

The Sturgis Library online catalog is located at

There are three search methods to access the CSCWE books in the catalog.

  1. With the GIL Quick Search, enter the term CSCWE and click Go. You can also enter the phrase: center for the study of the civil war era. Then use the drop-down box and choose search as a phrase and click Go.
  2. Using the Keyword tab, use CSCWE and click Go. By using the Keyword search, you can also add other search terms. For example, CSCWE Sherman (drop-down box: all of these) will list CSCWE books that contain the word Sherman. To sort books within these results, use the drop-down box Sort Keyword/Exact Results by: and change to Author, Title, Publish Date (newest first), Publish Date (oldest first), or Relevance.
  3. Use the Exact Search tab when you want to look for a specific title, author, or subject. For example, check the circle next to Subject, and type in Lee, Robert E. This will find books about Robert E. Lee. Choose the first link, and notice the titles and their corresponding Library Locations. Scroll down and see the title with the Library Location: Center for the Study of the Civil War Era (CSCWE).

Note: Click on the KSU logo to return to the catalog main page or if catalog time out is encountered.

For further assistance, please visit the Sturgis Library Reference Desk in the library or call the Reference librarians at 470-578-6325.
