Submission Information

 The abstract submission form, an MS Excel file that includes abstract submission guidelines and the contact information of presenters, can be downloaded from the Georgia Academy Website: Georgia Academy of Sciences (GAS). Please follow the directions provided in the Excel abstract submission form. This file includes as separate tabs in the spreadsheet, the presenter information form, an abstract form guide that contains instructions and an example of a completed form, and the abstract form to complete. Please follow the directions and proofread the completed tabs in the spreadsheet before submitting. 

The ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE is Monday, December 4th, 2023. Presenters should send the completed Abstract Submission form, including the presenter information, as an email attachment to the appropriate Section Chair. Section Chair contact information is available at Section Officers of the Academy. Section Chairs will acknowledge receipt of abstract submissions by contacting by email the sender(s) of submitted abstracts. All presenters must be members of the Academy. It is also STRONGLY encouraged that Faculty mentors also become members of GAS. Membership information is available on the Academy site at: GAS Membership  

For research that will not be completed by the abstract submission deadline, abstracts of research in progress are acceptable. 

Abstracts received by December 4th, 2023, will be submitted to referees for review. Referees will make minor corrections if necessary. If major changes are suggested, referees will notify Section Chairs who will pass those recommendations on to submitters for action. Section Chairs will notify authors of acceptance by January 10th, 2024. If an abstract is accepted, presenters must still register for the meeting

Faculty are encouraged to present at the meeting, but priority will be given to students if time slots are limited. Presentations can eventually be converted to manuscripts that can be submitted to the Georgia Journal of Science for publication consideration. This is a great opportunity to establish or enhance a publication record for both students and faculty! 
