The Master of Science in International Policy Management

The Master of Science in International Policy Management (MSIPM) is a cohort-based online degree program that builds on Kennesaw State University’s strong tradition and long-standing commitment to international education. The program prepares future leaders in the private and public sectors to understand the interaction between political and economic dynamics in the global context. 

The curriculum offered by the program will enhance understanding of international policy in an interactive collaborative learning environment, whether students are recent college graduates or have experience working in public, private, or nongovernmental organizations. Students will learn how to assess political risk, better understand the regulatory environment in which corporations function, and deal with the cultural nuances inherent to the global negotiation process. The online nature of the program offers flexibility for students to complete an academically solid degree program while continuing current employment, whether working in-state, nationwide, or abroad. Additionally, the cohort model builds a learning community for mutual support.

Cohort Model

The MSIPM program is a 30 semester-hour course of study that uses a cohort-base online style of course delivery. Students begin as a group in fall semester of year one and complete the program in spring of year two. Since courses are offered in a predetermined sequence, students can finish the program in 20 months.


Upcoming Virtual Info Sessions
