Collaboration with the POSE Lab

The Affective Neuroscience Lab works closely with the Psychophysiology of Stress and Emotion Lab (POSE) at Kennesaw State University, directed by Sharon Pearcey (Psychology) and V. Doreen Wagner (School of Nursing). The POSE lab assays saliva collections for various hormones that are of interest to both labs. 

  • Progesterone-Estradiol

    Reproductive hormone effects on female anxiety

    Free circulating steroid hormones, 17β-Estradiol (E2) and progesterone, are major reproductive hormones that may play a role in cognition. Salivary samples are collected once at the beginning of the experiment and assayed by the POSE lab (mean pg/mL) in duplicates with commercially available Salimetrics Enzyme Immunoassay Kits (Salimetrics, State College, PA), which are competitive immunoassays specifically designed and validated for the quantitative measurement of relevant salivary hormones.
    • DHEA and DHEA-s process

      Stress-related factors in emotion regulation

      Through our ongoing collaboration with the POSE lab, we are examining the role of cortisol, DHEA, and DHEA-S on emotion regulatory processes. Free circulating stress hormones are excreted by the adrenal gland and linked to the stress response system. Salivary samples of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate DHEA-S samples are collected at four time points in the experiment: (1) immediately after consent and survey completion (before behavioral training), (2) immediately at the end of the Acquisition trial, (3) immediately at the end of the Extinction trial, (4) 20 minutes after the end of the Extinction trial.