MSCJ Faculty

Listed below are the current faculty and staff for the Master of Science in Criminal Justice program at Kennesaw State University.

  • Sinyong Choi

    Sinyong Choi Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Sinyong ChoiPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: PS 232

    Areas of Interest: Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Ethical hacking, Digital forensic, Illegal online gambling, Quantitative analysis, Cryptocurrency crime
  • Beverly Reece Churchwell

    Beverly Reece Churchwell Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Beverly Reece ChurchwellPosition:
    Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: SO 4066

    Areas of expertise: Life-course criminology, desistance from crime, barriers to reentry, corrections, juvenile delinquency 

    Faculty web page

  • Stan Crowder

    Stan Crowder Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Stan CrowderPosition:
    Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: SO 4063

    Areas of expertise: Criminal investigations, serial offenders, victimology, criminal profiling, criminal justice ethics

  • Sara Evans

    Sara Evans Director, MSCJ Program; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Sara EvansPosition:
    Director, MSCJ Program; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: SO 4067

    Areas of expertise: Neighborhoods and crime, public space, delinquency, scholarship of teaching and learning, high-impact practices

    Faculty web page

  • Melanie Holland

    Melanie Holland Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Melanie HollandPosition:
    Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: PS 144

    Areas of expertise: Sentencing policies and theories, sentencing inequality, contextualization of disparate court outcomes

    Faculty web page

  • Gang Lee

    Gang Lee Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Gang LeePosition:
    Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-2437
    Location: SO 4072

    Areas of expertise: Cybercrime, international criminology, comparative criminal justice, program evaluation

    Faculty web page

  • Tanja Link

    Tanja Link Interim Assistant Chair of Sociology & Criminal Justice; Crimminal Justice Internship Coordinator; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Tanja LinkPosition:
    Interim Assistant Chair of Sociology & Criminal Justice; Crimminal Justice Internship Coordinator; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-2292
    Location: SO 4060

    Areas of expertise: Vulnerable populations, corrections and reentry, barriers to reentry, desistance from crime, juvenile delinquency, substance use
  • Michael Logan

    Michael Logan Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Michael LoganPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: SO 4055

    Areas of expertise: Violence, Violent Extremism, Criminal Organizations, Offender Decision-Making, Malevolent Creativity

    Faculty web page

  • James McCafferty

    James McCafferty Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Jim McCaffertyPosition:
    Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-7771
    Location: SO 4074

    Areas of expertise: Risk assessment, juvenile corrections, community corrections, campus gun policies

     Faculty web page

  • Jennifer McMahon

    Jennifer McMahon Interim Chair of Sociology and Criminal Justice; Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology

    Dr. Jennifer McMahon-HowardPosition:
    Interim Chair of Sociology and Criminal Justice; Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology

    Phone: (470) 578-2643
    Location: KH 3453

    Areas of expertise: Victimization, violence prevention, sexual assault case processing, gun control, program evaluation 

    Faculty web page

  • Heidi Scherer

    Heidi Scherer Criminal Justice Program Coordinator; Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Heidi SchererPosition:
    Criminal Justice Program Coordinator; Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-2894
    Location: SO 4065

    Areas of expertise: Criminology, victimology, campus safety, sexual violence
  • Richard Stringer

    Richard Stringer Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Dr. Richard StringerPosition:
    Associate Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: SO 4051A

    Areas of expertise: Drug and alcohol policy,policing, advanced quantitative methods

    Faculty web page


  • Lisa Thompson

    Lisa Thompson Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Lisa ThompsonPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Location: PS 141

    Areas of Interest: Offending and Decision-Making; Military and Police Decision-Making; Violence Against Women, Quantitative Methods, Violent Extremism, Sex Offenses, Sexually Deviant Behavior, Forensic Psychology
  • Christopher Totten

    Christopher Totten Professor of Criminal Justice (Law)

    Dr. Chris TottenPosition:
    Professor of Criminal Justice (Law)

    Phone: (470) 578-4413
    Location: SO 4069

    Areas of expertise: Criminal Law and Procedure, Criminal Law and Society, International Criminal Law
  • Kenneth White

    Kenneth White Associate Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice

    Kenneth WhitePosition:
    Associate Professor of Political Science and Criminal Justice

    Phone: (470) 578-2928
    Location: SO 5085

    Areas of expertise: Constitutional law, political theory, criminal procedure and ethics

    Faculty web page
