Field Study
A hallmark of the M.S. in Conflict Management program is the field study that students
perform in their final semester of the program. This experience affords students the
opportunity to apply their skills and their knowledge to a specific chosen conflict
or peace environment. The field study prepares them to face the complex challenges
of our world. Students choose an area of the field to either (a) research, (b) intern,
or (c) develop and deliver a curriculum or training.
Sample Internship Locations:
- Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution
- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- American Arbitration Association
- Atlanta Ombudsman Program
- The Carter Center
- Mediators Beyond Borders
- The United Nations Ombuds Office
- CARE Humanitarian Aid
- Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services
- The Mediation Center of the Coastal Empire
- Dekalb County Dispute Resolution Center
- VOICE at Georgia Institute of Technology
Sample Research Projects:
- Prevention of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome in Returning Soldiers
- Ivory Coast Post Conflict Reconstruction
- Concessionary Bargaining
Sample Trainings and Curriculum:
- Development of a Victim-Offender Mediation Program for a Northwest Georgia County
- Curriculum Design to Prevent Bullying of Youth (Ages 10-18)
- Dispute Systems Design for the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Office of Student Integrity
- Social Determinants of Health with the Urban Health Initiative
- Early Learning Center Dispute System Design
- Conflict Coaching “At Risk Children” in Foster Care
- Collective Care Retreat
- Positioning Emory Ombuds to Increase Visibility and Communicate Value