
Each semester, faculty have research projects or practitioner-focused projects which need additional help from graduate students. When these projects are approved to hire students, faculty either share the jobs directly with applicable students or post the jobs on the Graduate Assistantships webpage for students to apply. Students may work with faculty within their graduate program or outside of their program. When students are hired to work as Graduate Research or Teaching Assistants, they receive a full or partial tuition waiver and a stipend depending on the number of work hours the contract allows. 

For more information on Graduate Research Assistantships, visit the Graduate College website

Tuition and Fees 

View tuition and fees by semester -

Financial Aid

Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid -

Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program

You have served two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer and had experiences of a lifetime that no one can take away from you. Why not go the extra step and enhance those practical experiences with a Master's degree? 

As is indicated at the Peace Corps website, for many Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows, this is an opportunity to combine academic and professional endeavors with your desire to work in underserved communities. At the same time, it allows the Fellow to reintegrate into a community and do something meaningful after his or her experience abroad.

Through the Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program at KSU you will receive a tuition waiver and stipend for fall and spring semesters. The program offers Graduate Research Assistantships to Peace Corps Fellows for up to four academic semesters in this degree program.

If you would like more information, please visit Peace Corps Coverdell Fellows Program.
