365 Days of Learning and Service

The Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS) goes beyond research and study. During this 2023-2024 academic year, the 365 Days of Learning & Service initiative encourages students, faculty, and staff to participate in learning and volunteer activities that broaden knowledge about sustainability and increase understanding about the depth and breadth of issues impacted by sustainability. 

365 Days of Learning & Service challenges preconceived ideas, increases awareness, and inspires the KSU community to be agents of positive change by turning theory into action.  

The Mission

The mission is to bring students, faculty, and staff together to examine a contemporary relevant issue facing our community and go beyond research and study by putting into practice new knowledge acquired throughout the year and facilitate positive change going forward. 

The Approach

Our steering committee of faculty, staff, and student representation identifies a contemporary relevant issue – this year, it is sustainability – and works with the Radow College community to present a variety of events and opportunities to examine the issue in-depth. Components of the program vary from year to year and may include a speaker series, service-learning classes and other opportunities for service, support for faculty to develop teaching modules, student creative design competitions, film showcases, and book discussion groups. Through 365 Days of Learning & Service events and activities, Radow College develops and strengthens relationships with institutional partners in our community, and creates opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to develop into leaders who drive positive change long after the year of study. 

Program Launch-Sustainability: September 21st, 2023

