MPA 30th Anniversary

Master of Public Administration Program Celebrates 30th Year of Excellence

We are celebrating three decades of preparing graduates to think critically, develop leadership skills, and establish themselves in professional positions in public and non-profit organizations. Our MPA program at Radow College has been doing this successfully for 30 years, which is certainly something to celebrate! Learn more about the program, consider enrolling, and become part of our legacy.


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MPA 30th Anniversary

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KSU’s MPAs Are Out in Front Making a Difference


Earning a Master of Public Administration (MPA) at KSU builds the foundation for a successful, service-focused career. It is a special type of person who dedicates time and energy to a career in public and non-profit service. Meet our MPA Alumni who are today’s leaders in the public and non-profit sectors. These are the people who are making a difference in our communities.

Are you an MPA alumni or Advisory Board member? We want to hear from you!


  • Alex Almodovar

    Alex Almodovar

    Graduation Year: 2017 

    Current Title: Development Director, City of Acworth, GA

    • The KSU MPA program served as a springboard for Alex's career transition into public service, specifically local government. The program equipped him with the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a fulfilling path in local government management and economic development, a direction he may not have considered without his KSU education. 
    • The KSU MPA program provided Alex with a comprehensive skillset that continues to benefit him in his current role as Development Director. Management principles, budgeting and finance, human resources, economic development, and leadership are all areas where the program demonstrably enhanced his abilities
    • Alex's message to current and future MPA students is one of enthusiastic endorsement. He emphasizes the program's transformative power and its ability to open doors to a variety of career opportunities. He highlights the value proposition of the program, concluding that the investment of time and resources is well worth the return. 
    • Alex's most cherished memory highlights the program's ability to provide enriching experiences beyond the classroom. The inaugural study abroad trip to Bucharest, Romania, stands out for him. This trip offered a unique opportunity to combine academic exploration with personal growth. It allowed him to experience a new culture, connect with faculty and fellow students on a deeper level, and fulfill a lifelong desire to travel to Europe. 


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    • Marionna Bennett

      Marionna Bennett

      Graduation Year: 2020

      Current Title: Program Coordinator, Emory Orthopedics & Spine

      • The KSU MPA program served as a springboard for Marionna's career shift into the healthcare field. Her MPA degree provided her with the necessary knowledge and transferable skills that allowed her to achieve success in a new domain, expanding her professional horizons beyond her previous focus on youth development and education.
      • The KSU MPA program instilled in Marionna valuable skills that continue to benefit her in her current role. While specific skills are not mentioned, the program likely equipped her with critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and project management abilities, all of which are essential for effective program coordination within the complex healthcare environment. Marionna also highlights the enduring value of the "real-life, relatable knowledge" imparted by her professors, suggesting the program provided practical applications of theory that continue to be relevant in both her professional and personal life.
      • Marionna's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes the program's transformative potential and the importance of faculty relationships. She encourages students to actively engage with their professors, build trust, and leverage their expertise. These connections can provide valuable guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the program and beyond. She concludes with a message of reassurance, assuring students that the KSU MPA program equips them with the skills and adaptability to thrive in an ever-changing professional landscape.
      • Marionna's most cherished memories focus on the supportive network she gained during her KSU MPA journey. The professors and peers who challenged, encouraged, and cared for her throughout the program stand out as a testament to the program's ability to foster a strong sense of community. The experience as a whole left a lasting positive impact on her.


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      • Derek Cox

        Derek Cox

        Graduation Year: 2022

        Current Title: Special Projects Coordinator, Gwinnett County

        • The KSU MPA program equipped Derek with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in his current role at Gwinnett County, a large and fast-paced government organization. The program directly prepared him to thrive within this demanding environment.
        • The KSU MPA program provided Derek with a valuable toolkit that he utilizes daily in his role as Special Projects Coordinator. His focus on public budgeting, housing and community development, and city management aligns perfectly with the responsibilities associated with his current position. These areas of study equip graduates with the ability to manage resources effectively, design and implement community development initiatives, and understand the complexities of urban governance.
        • Derek's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes active engagement. He encourages them to ask questions, participate in class discussions, and seek out additional opportunities to get involved in the program. He highlights the importance of maximizing the learning experience by actively contributing and taking ownership of their academic journey.


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        • Brunessa Drayton

          Brunessa Drayton

          Graduation Year: 2016

          Current Title: Public Servant & Candidate for Cobb County Superior Court Clerk

          • The KSU MPA program served as a catalyst for Brunessa's career evolution. The program provided the knowledge and skills that empowered her to pursue a career path focused on public service and making a positive impact on her community. This journey led her from local government to the federal level, and now to her candidacy for Cobb County Superior Court Clerk.
          • While Brunessa did not specify the specific skills gained from the program, her career trajectory speaks volumes about the program's effectiveness in equipping graduates with the necessary tools for success in the public service
          • Brunessa's message to current and future MPA students is a powerful one: "Pursue your Passion, find your Purpose." This quote emphasizes the importance of aligning career aspirations with personal values and a desire to
            make a meaningful contribution.
          • Brunessa's most cherished memory highlights the importance of lifelong learning and perseverance. Returning to school after a 20-year hiatus was a significant accomplishment and bringing her son to class on a particular day served as a powerful symbol of her dedication to her goals and setting a positive example for the next generation.


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          • Jared Evans

            Jared Evans

            Graduation Year: 2011

            Current Title: Legislative Research and Policy Analyst, Atlanta City Council

            • The KSU MPA degree has been a driving force behind Jared's successful career path in the public sector. The program equipped him with a robust foundation in policy analysis, budgeting, and leadership, empowering him to tackle complex challenges and champion positive change within public organizations.
              The rigorous curriculum and esteemed faculty honed his skills in areas like legislative research and program analysis, while also instilling the ability to navigate political environments with professionalism.
            • As a Legislative Research and Policy Analyst for the Atlanta City Council, Jared plays a critical role in supporting the council's legislative and research needs. He analyzes legislation, drafts proposals, and serves as a liaison between the council and various stakeholders. His expertise allows him to effectively explain complex issues and legislation to the public.
            • The KSU MPA program instilled in Jared a valuable skillset that continues to serve him well. Policy analysis, budgeting fundamentals, leadership, and communication are all areas where the program demonstrably enhanced his abilities. He highlights the program's role in fostering his confidence to critically analyze issues and develop data-driven solutions. Furthermore, his understanding of budgeting
              processes and resource allocation strategies proves essential in the realm of effective governance. The program also emphasized the significance of clear communication and building consensus among diverse groups, a lifelong skill that Jared utilizes daily.
            • Jared's message to current and future MPA students is one of active engagement. He encourages them to seize opportunities like internships, research projects, and networking events to gain practical experience and build a strong professional network. He also emphasizes the value of joining relevant student organizations, fostering friendships and connections that can significantly impact career trajectories. Finally, Jared emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning, urging students to continuously seek out professional development opportunities to remain relevant and adaptable in the ever-evolving landscape
              of public service.
            • A testament to the program's lasting impact, Jared highlights a friendship forged during his KSU MPA journey that significantly influenced his career path. A classmate alerted him to a program budget analyst position perfectly aligned with his academic focus. This opportunity, a direct result of the network he
              cultivated at KSU, proved to be a pivotal turning point in his career.


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            • Billy Grogan

              Billy Grogan

              Graduation Year: 2008 

              Current Title: Chief of Police, Dunwoody Police Department 

              MPA Advisory Board Member Since: 2010

              • Chief Grogan's experience exemplifies the KSU MPA program's significant impact on career advancement in the public service sector. He credits his MPA degree with demonstrably strengthening his candidacy for the position of Chief of Police. The program equipped him with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in leadership roles within law enforcement.
              • The KSU MPA program honed two critical skills that Chief Grogan continues to leverage in his leadership role: critical thinking and writing. These skills are essential for effective problem-solving, clear communication, and strategic decision-making within complex organizational environments.
              • Chief Grogan's message to current and future MPA students is one of strong endorsement. He emphasizes the program's value in propelling careers forward. He encourages active participation in program offerings and highlights the importance of building relationships with classmates and alumni. This network can provide invaluable mentorship, shared experiences, and potential career opportunities.
              • Chief Grogan's most cherished memory highlights the program's ability to provide enriching experiences beyond the traditional curriculum. Having former Harvard Law Review editor Bob Barr as a guest instructor stands out as a unique opportunity to learn from a highly respected legal mind. While his demanding grading style initially challenged the students, it ultimately pushed them to excel and meet his high expectations, fostering a valuable learning experience.


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              • Travis Highfield

                Travis Highfield

                Graduation Year: 2022

                Current Title: Kennesaw State University Director of Editorial Content

                • Travis's KSU MPA journey exemplifies the program's transformative power. The program not only equipped him with valuable skills but also served as a strategic tool for career advancement. A course assignment prompted him to envision his future career path, and by leveraging the program's resources and actively communicating his goals, Travis secured a promotion within his second year at KSU. This forward-thinking approach has continued to propel him forward, leading to another promotion after graduation.
                • As Director of Editorial Content at Kennesaw State University, Travis plays a pivotal role in
                  shaping the university's brand narrative. He leads his team in developing compelling content and creative storytelling across various platforms, fostering a strong reputation for the university.
                • The KSU MPA program provided Travis with a practical toolkit directly applicable to his
                  leadership role. Courses in human resource management, leadership, and ethics proved to be particularly valuable, allowing him to seamlessly transition classroom knowledge into real-world situations. He also strategically designed class projects around his professional needs, resulting in tangible improvements within his department.
                • Travis emphasizes the importance of building strong connections with classmates. This network serves not only to expand professional horizons but also fosters a sense of community and shared success. He also encourages students to take advantage of faculty office hours, acknowledging the professors' dedication to student success.
                • Travis's most cherished memory is the camaraderie he shared with his classmates at graduation. The shared experience, the culmination of their hard work and dedication, solidified the strong bonds forged during the program.


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                • Nathan Humphrey

                  Nathan Humphrey

                  Graduation Year: 2006

                  Current Title: Regional Director, State Government Relations

                  MPA Advisory Board Member Since (approx.): 2013

                  • Nathan's KSU MPA experience, culminating in his 2006 graduation, significantly broadened his professional horizons. The program not only expanded the scope of his knowledge and experience but also bolstered his resume, paving the way for his current leadership role.
                  • As Regional Director of State Government Relations, Nathan plays a pivotal role in fostering connections and advocating on behalf of his organization before state government entities.
                  • The KSU MPA program equipped Nathan with a lasting toolkit of valuable skills. He specifically highlights the invaluable lessons learned in the local government budgeting class and the extensive network of professional contacts he cultivated during his time at KSU.
                  • For aspiring and current MPA students, Nathan emphasizes the importance of going beyond simply completing coursework. He encourages proactive engagement – seeking out mentors and strategic contacts to maximize their learning potential and leverage the program's full benefits.
                  • While Nathan doesn't specify a single anecdote, he identifies graduation as the pinnacle moment that captured the essence of his KSU MPA journey. This momentous occasion undoubtedly marked the culmination of his hard work and dedication to the program.


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                  • Silhouette

                    Wendy Kalman

                    Graduation Year: 2022 (Dual Degree: MPA & MAIGC) 

                    Current Title: Director, Education and Advocacy Resources (Starting Mid-May 2024)

                    • While Wendy's MPA degree did not directly lead to her new position, the program provided her with valuable tools that facilitated her career shift from the corporate world to the non-profit sector. The research conducted for her MPA and MAIGC papers focused on her specific area of interest, antisemitism in the US. This body of work served as a strong portfolio piece, showcasing her expertise and passion, and likely played a role in securing her new leadership position within a non-profit organization.
                    • The KSU MPA program equipped Wendy with a valuable toolkit that continues to benefit her professionally. Her understanding of budgeting, program evaluation, qualitative research methods, governmental structures, and policy analysis are all directly applicable to her upcoming role within the non-profit sector.
                    • Wendy's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes the importance of focused exploration. She encourages them to identify a specific area of interest and tailor their coursework and research projects to align with that focus. She also highlights the value of presenting research findings at conferences or forums, as these opportunities can enhance visibility and establish credibility within a chosen field.
                    • A defining moment in Wendy's KSU MPA journey was the opportunity to present her policy paper on antisemitism in the US at the Georgia Political Science Association's graduate student panel. This experience allowed her to share her research with a wider audience, gain valuable feedback, and further solidify her expertise in this critical area.


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                    • David Kubala

                      David M. Kubala

                      Graduation Year: 2004 

                      Current Title: Executive Manager of Environmental Affairs, Cherokee County Water & Sewerage Authority 

                      MPA Advisory Board Member Since (approx.): 2013

                      • David's KSU MPA degree undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping his career trajectory. While the specific details of its impact are not mentioned, his current leadership position within the Cherokee County Water & Sewerage Authority suggests the program equipped him with the necessary skills to excel in the public service sector.
                      • The KSU MPA program instilled in David a valuable toolkit that he continues to utilize in his role. Policy analysis, with a focus on both intended and unintended consequences, remains a critical skill for him. Research methods, particularly statistical analysis, are also fundamental to his work. The program further honed his critical thinking and writing skills, essential for effective communication and problem-solving within a complex organizational environment.
                      • David's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes the importance of active engagement with faculty. He encourages them to explore topics of genuine interest and leverage professor expertise to enrich their learning experience through in-depth discussions. By fostering this proactive approach, students can maximize the transformative potential of the program.


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                      • Ahmad Jamal Lewis

                        Ahmad Jamal Lewis

                        Graduation Year: 2017

                        Current Title: Economic Opportunity Manager

                        • Ahmad works with communities to leverage entrepreneurial ecosystems as a tool for tech-based economic development. He utilizes inclusive innovation and digital technologies to empower traditionally marginalized communities with the tools and access needed for economic success and positive community impact.
                        • The KSU MPA program served as a launching pad for Ahmad's career in economic development, a field he was unfamiliar with prior to his enrollment. The program's curriculum, particularly his concentration in governmental relations, equipped him with a strong foundation for working within public-private partnership models, a crucial aspect of economic development initiatives.
                        • While specific skills gained from the program are not mentioned, Ahmad's career path suggests the program fostered a comprehensive skillset applicable to the economic development sector. This likely includes skills in community development, program design and evaluation, public policy analysis, and collaboration with diverse stakeholders.
                        • Ahmad's message to current and future MPA students is one of encouragement to embrace collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity. He reframes failure as a learning opportunity, emphasizing the importance of trial and error within the innovation process.


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                        • Natalia Meneses

                          Natalia Meneses

                          Graduation Year: 2006

                          Current Title: Instructor of Political Science and Global Issues

                          • The KSU MPA program played a significant role in Natalia's career trajectory. Her MPA degree opened doors for her to enter the education sector at the state level, although the specific details of her career path are not elaborated upon.
                          • The KSU MPA program instilled in Natalia valuable skills that continue to benefit her in her current role as an educator. Her focus on organization, planning, and evaluation translates effectively into the classroom setting, where these skills are essential for effective lesson planning, course management, and student assessment.
                          • Natalia's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes the importance of focus and proactiveness. She encourages them to pursue internship and career advancement opportunities while actively engaged in their MPA studies. This dual focus can provide valuable practical experience that complements theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom.
                          • Natalia's most cherished memories highlight the lasting impact of the KSU MPA program. The program fostered meaningful friendships with classmates who remain close to this day. Faculty members transitioned from respected instructors to professional colleagues and mentors, providing invaluable guidance throughout her career journey. Being named student of the year stands out as a moment of recognition that validated her hard work and dedication to her studies.


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                          • Peris Mwangi

                            Peris Mwangi

                            Graduation Year: 2023

                            Current Title: Data Scientist

                            • Peris's recent graduation from the KSU MPA program in 2023 demonstrates the program's adaptability and appeal to a wide range of career paths. While Peris's current role as a Data Scientist may not be traditionally associated with public administration, the MPA program provided her with valuable knowledge that complements her analytical skills. Her studies broadened her understanding of government functions and public-private partnerships, potentially allowing her to bridge the gap between data analysis and its application within the public sector.
                            • The KSU MPA program equipped Peris with a strong foundation in research methods and contemporary public administration. These skills directly translate into her data science role, as strong research methodology is essential for drawing accurate conclusions from data analysis. Additionally, her understanding of contemporary public administration allows her to better grasp the context in which data is collected and utilized within a governmental framework.
                            • Peris's message to current and future MPA students highlights the program's ability to
                              broaden one's understanding of government operations and the public sphere. This knowledge can be valuable regardless of a student's specific career goals, as it fosters
                              a deeper awareness of the complex world around us.
                            • Peris's most cherished experiences involve two aspects of the KSU MPA program: coursework and student leadership. The contemporary public administration class sparked her interest in the concept of discretion within government power structures. In addition, her participation in the PASA (Public Administration Student
                              Association) leadership provided valuable opportunities for collaboration and engagement within the student community.


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                            • Richard Pace

                              Richard Pace

                              Graduation Year: 2011

                              Current Title: Chief, Corporate Services Branch, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

                              • The KSU MPA program served as a springboard for Richard's successful career transition from the private sector to the federal government. Seeking a new direction, he leveraged the program's resources and participated in a federal career fair on campus, where he discovered a pivotal internship opportunity with the General Services Administration. This internship, facilitated by his KSU experience,
                                ultimately led to a permanent position upon graduation.
                              • As Chief of the Corporate Services Branch for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Richard oversees the management of regional office facilities. His leadership and expertise ensure the smooth operation and functionality of these essential workspaces.
                              • The KSU MPA program equipped Richard with valuable skills that continue to be instrumental in his leadership role. The program's emphasis on budgeting proved to be particularly applicable to his current position, allowing him to effectively manage resources and make informed financial decisions.
                              • Richard's message to current and future MPA students focuses on the wealth of opportunities available within the federal government. He strongly encourages them
                                to explore the Pathways Program opportunities listed on USAJobs: He highlights the anticipated wave of retirements within federal agencies, creating a surge of promising career paths. Richard emphasizes the attractive compensation packages and long-term benefits associated with federal
                                government careers.


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                              • Noah Paris

                                Noah Paris

                                Graduation Year: 2020

                                Current Title: Information Systems Business Partner (ISBP) at Piedmont Healthcare

                                • Noah's 2020 KSU MPA degree has demonstrably propelled his career trajectory. The program not only equipped him with the necessary skills to excel in his current role as an ISBP at Piedmont Healthcare, but also played a critical role in securing the position itself. By bridging the gap between his IT expertise and administrative understanding, the MPA program solidified Noah's suitability for the role.
                                • As an ISBP, Noah acts as a crucial liaison, ensuring seamless integration between information systems and business operations within the complex healthcare environment of Piedmont Healthcare. His MPA education provides him with a comprehensive understanding of administrative procedures, allowing him to effectively navigate the challenges of this dynamic role.
                                • The KSU MPA program continues to empower Noah in his professional journey. The program's coursework instilled in him a valuable "30,000-foot view" 
                                  perspective, enabling him to approach situations with a strategic and analytical mindset. These skills translate directly into his daily tasks, where he excels at problem-solving, crafting executive-level communications, and presenting data with clarity and impact.
                                • Noah's message to current and future MPA students is one of perseverance. He acknowledges the demanding nature of balancing work with studies but encourages them to maintain a positive attitude and a thirst for knowledge. By approaching the program with curiosity and dedication, students can unlock its full potential and propel themselves towards their career goals.


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                                • Meredith L. Ulmer

                                  Meredith L. Ulmer

                                  Graduation Year: 2012

                                  Current Title: Assistant City Manager, City of Rome, GA

                                  • The KSU MPA program provided Meredith with a strong foundation that solidified her chosen career path in public service. The program equipped her 
                                    with the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in her current role as Assistant City Manager for the City of Rome, GA. Her passion for serving the community is demonstrably fueled by the education she received at KSU.
                                  • The KSU MPA program instilled in Meredith valuable skills that she continues to leverage in her leadership role. Collaboration, the ability to learn from others, and a strong goal orientation are all areas where the program demonstrably enhanced her abilities.
                                  • Meredith's message to current and future MPA students is an inspiring one, drawing a connection between public service and the proverb, "A society 
                                    grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit." This quote emphasizes the importance of long-term vision and working for the betterment of future generations, a concept deeply rooted in the philosophy of public service. By extension, Meredith's message encourages students to embrace the opportunity to make a positive and lasting impact on their communities.


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                                  • Patrick H. Vickers

                                    Patrick H. Vickers

                                    Graduation Year: 1996

                                    Current Title: Northwest Georgia Regional Representative, Georgia Department of Community Affairs

                                    MPA Advisory Board Member Since: 2001

                                    • Patrick's KSU MPA journey began in 1996 and has had a significant impact on his career trajectory. The program equipped him with the broad knowledge and skills needed to transition from a regional planning agency to the demanding role of Northwest Georgia Regional Representative within the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
                                    • As the Northwest Georgia Regional Representative, Patrick acts as a crucial liaison between the department and 15 counties and 48 municipalities. He fosters relationships with local government officials and legislators, advising them on housing, economic development, and downtown revitalization initiatives. Additionally, Patrick provides expertise on comprehensive planning, building codes, job tax credits, and redevelopmentstrategies. He also represents the department at various events, meetings, and workgroups.
                                    • Patrick continues to utilize the valuable skills he honed during his MPA program. These include:

                                      Understanding the intricacies of bureaucracy

                                      • Policy implementation and analysis

                                      • Relationship building

                                      • Public speaking

                                    • Patrick's success story exemplifies the transformative power of the KSU MPA program. As the program celebrates its 30th anniversary, Patrick's continued involvement with the advisory board demonstrates his dedication to its future generations of students.


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                                    • Paula (Bechtler) Ward

                                      Paula (Bechtler) Ward

                                      Graduation Year: 2015

                                      Current Title: Program & Portfolio Manager, Georgia Tech Human Resources

                                      • The KSU MPA program provided Paula with a strong academic foundation that proved instrumental in propelling her career forward within public higher education. The program not only equipped her with the necessary knowledge but also fostered the development of critical leadership skills that continue to contribute to her success and professional confidence.
                                      • The KSU MPA program instilled in Paula valuable skills that she continues to leverage in her current role. Critical thinking, collaboration, and leadership are all areas where the program demonstrably enhanced her abilities. These skills are essential for effective problem-solving, team dynamics, and overall professional growth.
                                      • Paula's message to current and future MPA students emphasizes the importance of building and nurturing relationships with faculty and classmates. These connections can extend far beyond the classroom, transforming into a valuable professional network that can provide support, guidance, and potential career opportunities in the years to come.
                                      • Paula's most cherished memories involve specific faculty members who significantly impacted her learning experience. She highlights classes with Dr. Neuby and Dr. Zimmermann as particularly valuable, suggesting that their teaching styles and expertise resonated with her and likely played a role in shaping her academic journey.


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