Faculty & Staff
Listed below are the current faculty and staff for the Master in Public Administration at Kennesaw State University.
Jonathan Boyd - Assistant Professor of Public Administration
Jonathan Boyd
Phone: (470) 578-6712
Email: jboyd74@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5069
Additional Affiliation: Heterdox Academy
Jonathan Boyd is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the School of Government and International affairs at Kennesaw State University. His research focuses on higher education policy, veteran issues, pay gaps for women and minorities, and representation in the public sector workforce. Before coming to Kennesaw State University, Jonathan was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Georgia State University. He has taught courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels that cover public administration, research methods, statistics, evaluation, policy analysis, and public management. Jonathan is a graduate of the joint Ph.D. program in public policy at Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Technology. Before moving to the Atlanta area, he studied philosophy and economics at Eastern Kentucky University.-
Areas of Expertise
Pay Equity, Representation, Veterans, Higher Education Policy
Courses Taught
Research Methods, Program Evaluation, Policy Analysis, Advanced Research Methods, MPA Capstone Seminar
Research Interest Areas
Higher Education Policy, Veteran Issues, Pay Gaps for Women and Minorities, Representation in the Public Sector workforce
Selected Publications
- Lewis, G. B., Boyd, J., & Pathak, R. (2018). Progress toward pay equity in state governments?. Public Administration Review, 78(3), 386-397.
- Lewis, G., Boyd, J., & Pathak, R. (2022). Progress Toward Increasing Women's and Minorities' Access to Top State Government Jobs?. Public Personnel Management, 51(2), 213-234.
Aarika Forney - Assistant Professor of Public Administration
Aarika Forney
Phone: (470) 578-6227
Email: aforney@kennesaw,edu
Location: SO 5053
Professional Website - aarikaforney.com
Aarika Forney, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the School of Government and International Affairs at Kennesaw State University. She received her PhD in Political Science from the University of Oklahoma, following a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Northern Iowa and an Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice from Hawkeye Community College. Her research is primarily focused on Black bureaucrats and representative bureaucracy. Her professional journey includes experience working with refugees and immigrants in her hometown of Waterloo, IA, where she also mentored high school students from Myanmar.-
Areas of ExpertisePublic Management, Representative Bureaucracy, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Federalism, and Decision-Making
Courses TaughtCourses previously taught: Introduction to Public Administration, Introduction to Public Policy, introduction to American Government, and Nonprofit Management.
Research Interest AreasInterest areas are primarily focused on Black bureaucrats and representative bureaucracy. Dr. Forney also has a focus on behavior and social equity.
Misty Grayer - Assistant Professor of Public Administration
Misty Grayer
Phone: (470) 578-4972
Email: mgrayer@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5051
Additional affiliations: CETL Faculty Fellow for Learning-Centered Teaching
Misty Grayer is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the School of Government and International Affairs. She mainly teaches courses in the Master of Public Administration program, and she also teaches in Master of Science in International Policy Management and undergraduate political science programs. Her research interests focus on the intersection of public policy/management and public law and contemporary public issues and collaboration. As a former practicing attorney, Misty seeks to introduce the law through teaching and scholarship in a relevant and practical to students and practitioners working in the public sector.-
Areas of Expertise
Law and Public Management, Street-Level Bureaucracy, Collaboration
Courses Taught
AD 6200, PAD 6500, PAD 6600, PAD 7150, PAD 7455, PAD 7461, PAD 7465, PAD 7900, POLS 1101, POLS 3310, IPM 7710
Research Interest Areas
Role of Law in Decision-Making, Street-Level Bureaucracy Theory, Collaboration, Contemporary Public Issues
Selected Publications
- Barnes, A., & Grayer, M. (2023). Does Language Matter? Perceptions of the Use of Diversity Training in the Public Sector Workforce. Public Personnel Management, 52(2), 240-262.
- Getha-Taylor, H., Grayer, M. J., Kempf, R. J., & O'Leary, R. (2019). Collaborating in the absence of trust? What collaborative governance theory and practice can learn from the literatures of conflict resolution, psychology, and law. The American Review of Public Administration, 49(1), 51-64.
- Nelson, D. H., O'Leary, R., Schroeder, L. D., Grayer, M., & Vij, N. (2016). 12. Collaboration across boundaries in the Indian Forest Service. The Challenges of Collaboration in Environmental Governance: Barriers and Responses, 267.
Madinah Hamidullah - Director of MPA and Professor of Public Administration
Madinah Hamidullah
Phone: (470) 578-6082
Email: mhamidul@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5071
Madinah F. Hamidullah, PhD is a Professor and Director of the Master of Public Administration program at Kennesaw State University. Her major research areas are public and nonprofit administration leadership and management, specifically how it applies to human resource management practices and policies. She is developing a research focus on women's organizations, and their collective impact in philanthropy, service, and professional development. Developing inclusive and accessible public management practices are critical aspects of her research, teaching, and overall life focus. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7659-1332-
Areas of Expertise
Public Management, Human Resource Management, Nonprofit Administration, Public Affairs Education
Courses Taught
Fundamentals of Public Administration and Public Service, Human Resource Management, Nonprofit Governance and Administration
Research Interest Areas
Leadership, Public Management, Human Resource Management, Experiential Learning (Internship Supervision), Nonprofit Administration and Management, Organization Theory
Selected Publications
- Kim, Min Hyu, Van Ryzin, Gregg G., & Hamidullah, Madinah F. (2022) The effect of Obama's election on minority employees of federal agencies. International Journal of Public Administration. https://doi.org/10.1080/01900692.2022.2061991
- Hamidullah, Madinah F., Yun, Jung Ah (Claire), McDougle, Lindsey M., Shon, Jongmin, Yang, Hyuk & Davis, Ashley. (2021) Exploring Individual Predictors of Variation in Public Awareness of Expressive and Instrumental Nonprofit Brands. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing. https://doi.org/10.1002/nvsm.1710
- Hamidullah, Madinah F. and Rodas, Mauricio A. (2019) Going Beyond Study Abroad: An Introduction to United States and Chinese Joint Undergraduate Degree Programs and Public Affairs Application. Journal of Public Administration Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15236803.2019.1680063
- Hamidullah, Madinah F. Undergraduate Public Affairs Education: Educating Future Generations of Public and Nonprofit Administrators. (Editor, Fall 2021, Routledge Press)
- Hamidullah, Madinah F. 2016. Managing the Next Generation of Public Employees: Public Solutions Handbook. New York and London, Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.
Jerry Herbel - Professor of Public Administration
Jerry Herbel
Phone: (470) 578-7746
Email: jherbel@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5042
Jerry Herbel holds a PhD in political science from the University of Oklahoma; a Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree, also from the University of Oklahoma; and a BS in Public Affairs from Emporia State University. Prior to his academic career, Herbel served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Air Force and Air Force Reserve as a public affairs officer and command staff officer in assignments around the world. He teaches courses in human resource management and program evaluation, organizational theory, and public sector budgeting. His primary research is focused on public human resource management and executive decision-making.-
Areas of Expertise
Public Human Resource Management, Executive Leadership, Effective Decision-Making, Public Organization Theory
Courses Taught
PAD 6200, PAD 6250, PAD 6300, PAD 6350, PAD 6700, PAD 7250
Research Interest Areas
Literature and Public Administration, Public Human Resource Management
Selected Publications
- Herbel, Jerry. 2018. Religion and Civic Purpose in Sophocles' Philoctetes. The Journal of Religious Ethics. 46(3): 548-569.
- Herbel, Jerry. 2018. Humanism and Bureaucracy: The Case for a Liberal Arts Conception of Public Administration. The Journal of Public Affairs Education. 24(3): 395-416.
- Herbel, Jerry E., Jr. 2015. Shakespeare's Machiavellian Moment: Discovering Ethics and Forming a Leadership Narrative in Henry V. Public Integrity. 17(3) 265-278.
- Herbel, Jerry E., Jr. and Henry T. Edmondson, III. 2015. Introduction: Symposium on Shakespeare and Governance. Public Integrity. 17 (3) 243-246.
Sarah Young - Professor of Political Science
Sarah Young
Phone: (470) 578-6227
Email: shinkely@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5045
Professional Website - www.NonprofitPhD.com
Dr. Sarah L. Young, Professor of Public Administration at Kennesaw State University, serves as the Director of Research for CARE Services, a campus support program for students who have experienced foster care or unaccompanied homelessness. Dr. Young earned her Ph.D. from Florida State University's Askew School of Public Administration and Policy and her M.B.A. in nonprofit management from the University of Tampa Sykes College of Business. She is the co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of Public Affairs Education and on the editorial board of Teaching Public Administration. Dr. Young's research is published in Public Administration, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, American Review of Public Administration, Journal of Public Affairs Education, and other leading academic journals. She is the author of three forthcoming books, Mentorship in Higher Education, A Roadmap to Social Change, and Building a Fair Society: A Global Outlook of Public Management in Achieving Social Equity.-
Areas of Expertise
Nonprofit Management, Social Equity, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Public Management, Public Crises
Courses Taught
AD 7980 - MPA Capstone; PAD 3343 - Introduction to Public Administration, POLS 1101 - Introduction to American Government, HSD 3500 - Introduction to Research Methods, PAD 7900 - Public Administration in Crisis
Research Interest Areas
My research uses systems-based approaches to study the intersection of nonprofit, public management, and equity, especially during periods of crisis.
Selected Publications
- Lim, S. & Young, S. (2023). Why the network coordinator matters: The importance of learning, innovation, and governance structures in coproduction networks. Journal of Civil Society. Available online first. https://doi.org/10.1080/17448689.2023.2206157
- Collins, C., Salazar, A., Hoffman-Cooper, A., Johnson, R., Schmidt, L., Tiller, L., & Young, S. (2023). Mixed Methods Evaluation of Two Georgia College Campus Support Programs for Students with Experience in Foster Care. Child and Adolescent Social Work. Available online first. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-023-00941-0
- Searing, E., Wiley, K., & Young, S.L. (2021). Resiliency tactics during financial crisis: The nonprofit resiliency framework. Nonprofit Management and Leadership. 32(2), p. 179-196. https://doi.org/10.1002/nml.21478
- Young, S. L., & Tanner, J. (2022). Citizen participation matters. Bureaucratic discretion matters more. Public Administration. 101(3) p. 747-771. https://doi.org/10.1111/padm.12867
Barbara Neuby - Professor of Political Science
Barbara Neuby
Phone: (470) 578-6466
Email: bneuby@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5055
Dr. Neuby teaches and researches in the area of public budgeting and finance, in particular the coming financial reset and new currency.-
Areas of Expertise
Budgeting, Finance, Homeland Security
Courses Taught
Public Budgeting, Homeland Security, Organization Theory
Research Interest Areas
Public Finance, New Currency, Homeland Security
Selected Publications
- Neuby, B. (2023). Workbook for Public Budgeting- A Quick, Practical Primer (1st ed., pp. 150). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
- Neuby, B. (2023). Central Bank Digital Currency & The Business Model. International Journal of Business and Information Technology, 9(1), 27-42.
Jennifer Purcell - Professor of Political Science
Jennifer Purcell
Phone: (470) 578-2863
Email: jpurce10@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5071
Professional Website: www.jenniferpurcell.com Social: @drjwpurcell
Dr. Jennifer W. Purcell is a Professor in the School of Government and International Affairs at Kennesaw State University where she teaches courses in public leadership, administration, and policy. Purcell is a leadership scholar whose research explores leadership capacity building in organizational and community contexts with emphasis on the role of boundary-spanning, organization development, coaching, and collaboration. She has been affiliated with and taught leadership concepts across six academic departments and in co-curricular and community settings. Purcell earned a Doctor of Education in Adult Education in the Department of Learning, Leadership, and Organization Development at the University of Georgia (2013) and holds a Master of Public Administration from Valdosta State University (2010) and a Bachelor of Arts in sociology and business administration minor from Mercer University (2006). She also completed a Graduate Certificate in Organization and Leadership Coaching from the University of Georgia (2022).-
Areas of Expertise
Public Leadership, Organization Learning and Development, Cross-Sector Collaboration
Courses Taught
PAD 7250 Leadership & Ethics in the Public Sector, POLS 3310 Public Policy Analysis
Research Interest Areas
Boundary-Spanning Leadership, Sustainable Leadership and Organization Development in the Public Sector, Higher Education Community Engagement, Coaching for Collaboration Effectiveness
Honors, Awards, Achievements
- 2024 Outstanding Professional Service and Community Engagement Award (nominee)
- 2023 KSU Tenured Faculty Enhancement Award
- 2023 Cobb Chamber of Commerce Honorary Commander
- 2021-2022 Faculty Diversity Fellow for Gender and Work Life Issues
- UC Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity Award
- 2018 KSU Outstanding Early Career Faculty Award
- Distinguished Faculty Award
- 2018 University College (nominee)
- 2017 Delegate to the European Academy of Otzenhausen (EAO) in Germany
- 2016 John Saltmarsh Award for Emerging Leaders in Civic Engagement
- 2016 Catherine C. and Kenneth O. Kiesler Service Award
- 2015 UC Faculty Development Award
- 2013 Engaged Campus Research Fellowship
- 2013 IARSLCE Dissertation Award (nominee)
- 2012 IARSLCE Doctoral Student Scholarship
- 2012 Emerging Engagement Scholar
- 2011 AAWCC National Doctoral Scholarship
- 2011 GHC Community Involvement Award
- 2009 American Cancer Society Team Spirit Award & South Atlantic Division All Star Team (Team Captain)
Selected Publications
- Guest Editor, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Anticipated Fall 2024, Special issue on Community-Engaged Scholars, Practitioners, and Boundary Spanners: Identity, Wellbeing & Career Development.
- Purcell, J. W. & Smith, D. N. (2023). Disciplinary Expertise and Faculty Credentialing in Leadership Studies: Advancing a Necessary Conversation. (Feature Article). Journal of Leadership Studies, 17(2), Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10/1002/jls.21851
- Purcell, J. W., Rodriguez, D. X., & Ring, K. A.* (2022). The Covid Shift: Working women's punctuated equilibrium. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43(8), 1217-1233. https://doi.org/10.1108/LODJ-01-2022-0044
- Purcell, J. W., Pearl, A., & Van Schyndel, T.* (2021). Boundary spanning leadership among community-engaged faculty: An exploratory study of faculty participating in higher education community engagement. Engaged Scholar Journal, 6(2), 1-30. https://doi.org/10.15402/esj.v6i2.69398
- Purcell, J. W. (2019) Future directions for community engagement in higher education: Advancing scholarship, building leadership capacity, and refining commitments. In Sandmann, L. R., & Jones, D. O. (Eds.), Building the field of higher education engagement: A 20-year retrospective and prospective (pp. 247-249). Stylus Publishing.
Chenaz Seelarbokus - Professor of Public Administration
Chenaz Seelarbokus
Phone: (470) 578-2273
Email: cseelarb@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5067 -
David Shock - Professor of Political Science
David Shock
Phone: (470) 578-6037
Email: dshock@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5038 -
Maureen Wilson - Graduate Program Coordinator
Maureen Wilson
Phone: (470) 578-7869
Email: mwils152@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5032