Study Abroad

study abroaf

The Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice values the experiential learning experience so much that it is an option in both Criminal Justice and Sociology degree plans to go on a study abroad trip instead of completing an internship or co-op experience.

Our faculty have offered study abroad opportunities in Ghana, Germany and Netherlands, and South Korea and Thailand.

Click here for KSU Education Abroad.

  • Dr. Sam Abaidoo, Professor of Sociology and Dr. Nurudeen Akinyemi, Director of the Center for African and African Diaspora Studies and Associate Professor of Political Science, lead a trip to Ghana, Africa titled "Gateway to Africa". 

    They are excited to announce that they are the recipients of an IDEAS (Increase and Diversify Education Abroad for U.S. Students) grant which is primarily geared towards capacity building and increasing participation by underrepresented undergraduate students.  The current plan is for students to live with host families on the University of Cape Coast campus as have been done in the past, take classes, engage in community service learning activities and participate in study trips that focus on Ghanaian culture, history and connections between the African continent and the United States.

    Approximate trip cost (does not include KSU tuition or airfare): $1,750.00

    For questions about the Ghana trip, email Dr. Sam Abaidoo at

    Tuition and Fees Cost of Attendance
  • Dr. Gang Lee, Professor of Criminal Justice, leads a trip to S. Korea and Thailand.

    Past trips included visiting cultural sites such as the Grand Palace and Emerald Buddha Temple along with visits to Criminal Justice agencies such as prisons, jails, police stations and headquarters, national police academy and courts.  Students come back from the trip and relay how amazing it was to go elephant trekking and rafting.

    For questions about the S. Korea and Thailand trip, email Dr. Gang Lee at

  • Dr. Tanja Link, Interim Assistant Chair and Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Sociology, leads a trip to Germany and Netherlands titled "Netherlands & Germany; International Crime, Justice and Peace".

    Past trips focused on responses to human rights violations, war crimes, trafficking, sexual violence, addiction and prostitution and supranational efforts to promote justice and sustain global peace. The program fosters a greater appreciation of real life logistical and ethical problem solving in a global and comparative context. Visits included: International Criminal Court (I.C.C.), Europol, Eurojust, German Prison and Drug consumption room/needle exchange.  Students love Amsterdam and Rotterdam the most!

    For questions about the Germany and Netherlands trip, email Dr. Tanja Link at
