Faculty & Staff

Listed below are the current faculty and staff for the School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development at Kennesaw State University.

Faculty/Staff contact information below. To see faculty research, click here.  

  • Charity Butcher

    Charity Butcher Director, School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development; Professor of Political Science

    Charity ButcherPosition:
    Director, School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development; Professor of Political Science

    Phone: (470) 578-2929
    Email: cbutche2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 103

    Faculty website
  • Maia Hallward

    Maia Hallward INCM Director, Associate Editor, Journal of Political Science Education and Professor of Middle East Politics

    Dr. Maia HallwardPosition:
    INCM Director, Associate Editor, Journal of Political Science Education and Professor of Middle East Politics

    Phone: (470) 578-6127
    Email: mhallwar@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 116

    Faculty website
  • Darina Lepadatu

    Darina Lepadatu MSCM Director, Professor of Sociology

    Darina LepadatuPosition:
    MSCM Director, Professor of Sociology

    Phone: (470) 578-6953
    Email: dlepadat@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 110A

    Faculty website


  • Akanmu Adebayo

    Akanmu Adebayo Professor of History

    Akanmu AdebayoPosition:
    Professor of History

    Phone: (470) 578-6646
    Email: aadebayo@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4112

    Faculty website
  • Anisah Bagasra

    Anisah Bagasra Assistant Professor of Psychological Science

    Anisah BagasraPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Psychological Science

    Phone: (470) 578-5254
    Email: abagasra@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 2003

    Faculty website
  • Jesse Benjamin

    Jesse Benjamin Professor of Sociology and International Conflict Management

    Professor of Sociology and International Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-2067
    Email: jbenjam2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 3003B

    Faculty website
  • Tavishi Bhasin

    Tavishi Bhasin Associate Professor of Political Science

    Tavishi BhasinPosition:
    Associate Professor of Political Science

    Phone: (470) 578-2272
    Email: tbhasin@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 5034

    Faculty website
  • B. Nalani Butler

    B. Nalani Butler Assistant Professor of Sport Management

    b nalani butlerPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Sport Management

    Phone: (470) 578-6178
    Email: bbutle59@kennesaw.edu
    Location: HS 4231


  • Volker Franke

    Volker Franke Professor of Conflict Management

    Volker FrankePosition:
    Professor of Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-2931
    Email: vfranke@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 204

    Faculty website
  • Uddipana Goswami

    Uddipana Goswami Assistant Professor of Conflict Management

    uddipana goswamiPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-5104
    Email: ugoswami@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 202

  • Govind Hariharan

    Govind Hariharan Professor of Economics

    Govind HariharanPosition:
    Professor of Economics

    Phone: (470) 578-6580
    Email: gharihar@kennesaw.edu
    Location: BB 407

  • Sherrill Hayes

    Sherrill Hayes Assistant Vice Provost of Student Success and Professor of ConflictManagement

    Sherrill HayesPosition:
    Assistant Vice Provost of Student Success and Professor of ConflictManagement

    Phone: (470) 578-6499
    Email: shayes32@kennesaw.edu
    Location: KH 4428

    Faculty website
  • Timothy Hedeen

    Timothy Hedeen Professor of Conflict Management

    Tim HedeenPosition:
    Professor of Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-6127
    Email: tkhedeen@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 111

    Faculty website
  • Kristina Hook

    Kristina Hook Assistant Professor of Conflict Management

    Kristina HookPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-7960
    Email: khook2@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 205

    Faculty website
  • Danica Kulibert

    Danica Kulibert Assistant Professor of Psychology

    danica kulibertPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Psychology

    Phone: (470) 578-6225
    Email: dkuliber@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 2015

    Faculty website

    Dr. Danica Kulibert (https://namedrop.io/danicakulibert) is an assistant professor in the Psychology Science Department. They are a social psychologists and the lab director for the Social Perceptions and Intergroup Relations (SPAIR) Lab. They often uses Social Identity Theory and Intergroup Contact Theory to better understand how the groups people are a part of impact their perceptions of the world. Currently, Dr. Kulibert conducts research focusing on four broad domains.

    1. Perceptions of Discrimination and Sexual Harassment: What are potential barriers victims with different social identities face when coming forward with discrimination and/or sexual harassment claims?
    2. Understanding Meta-Perceptions: When do meta-perceptions (i.e., how one social group thinks other social group views them) impact prejudice reduction methods?
    3. Political Attitudes and Behaviors: How well do social psychology concepts and interventions be applied to political context?
    4. Applied Intervention/Assessment: In what context can social psychology theories and research methods translate to real-world settings (e.g., workplaces, hospitals, colleges)?
  • Ellen Lahtinen

    Ellen Lahtinen Program Manager, Center for Conflict Management

    Ellen LahtinenPosition:
    Program Manager, Center for Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-6115
    Email: elahtine@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 116A

  • Brandon Lundy

    Brandon Lundy Chair &Professor of Anthropology, Department of Geography and Anthropology

    Dr. Brandon D. LundyPosition:
    Chair &Professor of Anthropology, Department of Geography and Anthropology

    Phone: (470) 578-2893
    Email: blundy@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4050

    Faculty website
  • Marcus Marktanner

    Marcus Marktanner Professor of Economics and International Conflict Management

    Marcus MarktannerPosition:
    Professor of Economics and International Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-7750
    Email: mmarktan@kennesaw.edu
    Location: BB 408

    Faculty website
  • Robin Mathis

    Robin Mathis Assistant Professor of Communication

    robin mathisPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Communication

    Phone: (470) 578-6298
    Email: rmathi18@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 5110

    Faculty Website

  • Brian Moore

    Brian Moore Director of the Center for the Advancement of Military and Emergency Services Research and Assistant Professor of Psychology

    brian moorePosition:
    Director of the Center for the Advancement of Military and Emergency Services Research and Assistant Professor of Psychology

    Phone: (470) 578-7281
    Email: bmoore50@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3217 - 103

    Faculty Website

    Research Interests: Trauma, military psychology, resilience, sleep, health psychology

    Brian A. Moore, Ph.D. is a health psychologist and an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Kennesaw State University. Before joining Kennesaw State, he served over 10 years in the United States Army as an Infantry officer and continues to serve as a Major in the U.S. Army Reserve. Dr. Moore has a Ph.D. in military health psychology and has completed pre- and post-doctoral fellowships in health and trauma psychology. 

  • Jason Mueller

    Jason Mueller Assistant Professor of Sociology

    jason mullerPosition:
    Assistant Professor of Sociology

    Phone: (470) 578-6739
    Email: jmuell18@kennesaw.edu
    Location: PS 142

    Faculty Website

    Areas of Interest: Global Social Change; Political-Economy of Development; Social Theory; Protests, Uprisings, & Insurgencies; Race, Ethnicity, & Indigeneity; Culture & Ideology; Psychoanalysis; Africana Studies; Comparative & Historical Methods

  • Sobia Mufti

    Sobia Mufti Academic Program Support Specialist INCM and MSCM Programs

    Sobia MuftiPosition:
    Academic Program Support Specialist INCM and MSCM Programs

    Phone: (470) 578-2452
    Email: smufti@kennesaw.edu
    Location: HSE 59 (3201) 116

  • Luc Noiset

    Luc Noiset Professor of Economics

    Luc NoisetPosition:
    Professor of Economics

    Phone: (470) 578-4371
    Email: lnoiset@kennesaw.edu
    Location: BB 317

    Faculty website

    Dr. Luc Noiset is Professor of Economics at Kennesaw State University. He has worked as a tax and budget economist for the Office of Tax Analysis in the U.S. Department of the Treasury in Washington D.C.  After the breakup of the Soviet Union, he became the U.S. Treasury’s liaison to the Baltic States and the U.S. Treasury’s resident advisor to the Latvian Ministry of Finance. In the late 1990’s he was based in Moscow, where he was Tax Policy Director and advisor to the Russian Ministry of Finance for a large USAID sponsored Russia Fiscal Reform Project. Additionally, professor Noiset has worked on short-term fiscal reform missions for finance ministries around the world, including in Egypt, Vietnam and countries of the Former Soviet Union.  Since 2006 professor Noiset has taught economics in the Department of Economics, Finance and Quantitative Analysis at Kennesaw State University. His research interests are in fiscal reform and more generally in the role of government in capitalist-based economies.

  • Heather Pincock

    Heather Pincock Associate Professor of Conflict Management and Interim Peace Studies Coordinator

    Heather PincockPosition:
    Associate Professor of Conflict Management and Interim Peace Studies Coordinator

    Phone: (470) 578-6227
    Email: hpincock@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 111

    Faculty website
  • Amanda Reinke

    Amanda Reinke Associate Professor of Conflict Management

    Amanda ReinkePosition:
    Associate Professor of Conflict Management

    Phone: (470) 578-6127
    Email: areinke@kennesaw.edu
    Location: House 3201 - 113

    Faculty website
  • Evelina Sterling

    Evelina Sterling Director of Faculty Development and Assistant Professor of Sociology

    Director of Faculty Development and Assistant Professor of Sociology

    Phone: (470) 578-2268
    Email: esterlin@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4065

  • Paul Story

    Paul Story AssociateProfessor of Conflict Management and Psychology

    AssociateProfessor of Conflict Management and Psychology

    Phone: (470) 578-6594
    Email: pstory@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 2019A

    Faculty website
  • Seneca Vaught

    Seneca Vaught Professor of History

    Seneca VaughtPosition:
    Professor of History

    Phone: (470) 578-2431
    Email: svaught3@kennesaw.edu
    Location: 4115

  • Silke Zoller

    Silke Zoller Assistant Professor of History

    Silke ZollerPosition:
    Assistant Professor of History

    Phone: (470) 578-2531
    Email: szoller@kennesaw.edu
    Location: SO 4094
