"Where is the Love?": Cultivating Civility in the Campus Environment

Ph.D. students in International Conflict Management Attend Workshop on Civility
KENNESAW, Ga. (Jan 31, 2020) — Ph.D. students in International Conflict Management attended a training on Social Identity and Civil Discourse taught by MSCM Alumna and Senior EEO/Title IX Investigator, Chris Griffin, and Nicole Phillips, Associate Director of Student Advocacy. The class was designed to train Ph.D. students and candidates on what to expect as employees in academia.
The training introduced the concept of recognizing a person’s own cultural identity, how it informs their perspectives on life, and how to begin engaging in respectful conversation on challenging topics, ranging from politics to diversity and inclusion.
Title IX topics were also introduced, which prohibits discrimination on sex, including sexual misconduct, consent, and harassment, in any education program that is federally funded.
Students discussed civility, or small actions that lead to respect for others, and the need to establish norms, or set of guidelines on how to react when a topic is or could be offensive, in an education setting. These skillfully applied behaviors lead to positive working relationships and environments.
KSU Non-Discrimination Statement
Kennesaw State University (KSU) is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for living, work and study. To that end, and in accordance with federal and state law, Board of Regents policy, and University policy, the University prohibits harassment of or discrimination against any person because of race, color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status by any member of the KSU Community on campus, in connection with a University program or activity, or in a manner that creates a hostile environment for members of the KSU community. Incidents of harassment and discrimination will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion, or termination from KSU. Every member of the KSU community is expected to uphold this policy as a matter of mutual respect and fundamental fairness in human relations. All members of the faculty, staff, and student body are expected to ensure that nondiscriminatory practices are followed at the University.
For additional information or to file a complaint under the provisions of this policy, students, employees, applicants for employment or admission or other third parties should contact the Office of Institutional Equity, English Building, Suite 202.
After receiving notice, KSU must take immediate and appropriate steps to:
- Investigate what occurred
- Take prompt and effective action to stop the harassment
- Remedy the effect
- Prevent the reoccurrence
KSU Reporting Resources/Filing Complaints:
- Office of Institutional Equity, 470-578-6057 or eeo@kennesaw.edu
- Office of Human Resources, 470-578-6030 or hr@kennesaw.edu
- Office of Faculty Affairs, 470-578-6023 or academicaffairs@kennesaw.edu
- KSU Ethics & Compliance Hotline, 877-516-3456
- Dean of Students, 470-578-6367 or deanofstudents@kennesaw.edu
- Department of Campus Safety and University Policy, 470-578-6666 or police@kennesaw.edu