Tutoring Training & Resources
All tutors in the World Languages Resource Collection complete a 10-module workshop hosted on Desire 2 Learn during the first semester they are hired. The workshop orients the tutors to the FLRC's resources and engages them in activities about effective practices in language learning. The modules are:
- Orientation to the WLRC
- Language Learning as a Process
- Structuring a Tutoring Session
- Go-To Learning Strategies
- Accomodating Learners Effectively
- Helping with Written Assignments
- Helping with Oral Assignments & the OPI(c)
- Reading Strategies
- Listening Strategies
- Getting to Know Faculty & Coursework
Each module includes critical readings or videos, with follow-up quizzes or discussions, and an activity to apply the module's concepts in a meaningful way. This workshop is a special project developed by the WLRC's Materials Creation Program and was created by Allison Webb, Spanish and Foreign Language Education Lecturer in Kennesaw State's Department of World Languages and Cultures.
For more information, contact Abigail Alexander, WLRC Director.
Get the Most Out of Your Session
Guidelines and advice for students visiting the lab.Help Students Revise Effectively
Three rules and three questions to help students improve their written compositions.
Interpersonal Oral Activities Guide
A quick guide for using the WLRC's conversation worksheets.Diigo Authentic Text Worksheet
Help the WLRC build a media database from around the world.