Minor in Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines relationships between the human and physical landscapes. Topics such as global climate change, deforestation, wetland degradation, water, soil and air pollution, sustainability, economics, ethics, policies and laws, history, and literature all fall under the domain of environmental studies. Heightened public awareness about the hazards facing the environment, and the increasing demands placed on the environment by population growth, is spurring demand for environmental specialists. According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Employment of environmental scientists and specialists is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024, faster than the average for all occupations.”

For more information on specific classes, see our Minor in Environmental Studies information in the KSU Undergraduate Catalog or contact Dr. Vanessa Slinger-Friedman, vslinger@kennesaw.edu
