Professional Learning
Since 1994, Georgia teachers have attended KMWP’s Invitational Summer Institute, impacting thousands of Georgia students. Whether they teach Science or Shakespeare, math or Milton, KMWP teachers are experts at using writing and reading as a bridge for inquiry and learning in their classrooms.
Continuity: KMWP offers continuing professional development for teachers through workshps, writing
groups, professional reading groups, idea exchanges, forums, and webinars.
Contracted Professional Development: KMWP works with schools, districts, and other educational stakeholders to deliver professional development. We partner with organizations to support and deliver grant initiatives, and we provide professional learning for educators in school districts through inservices, workshops, seminars, coaching, and advanced institutes.
Summer Institute: Based on the National Writing Project model, the invitational summer institute is at the core of NWP’s model of “teachers teaching teachers.” Read more about the intentional and complex design of NWP summer institutes and how they support teachers as professionals, as researchers, and as writers.
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