Summer Institute
Every summer educators attend the KMWP Invitational Summer Institute (ISI) to examine
their practice and analyze research & theory related to the teaching of writing and
its role in student learning. These teachers return to their classrooms as KMWP teacher
leaders: models of effective disciplinary literacy instruction for their schools and
Through the KMWP ISI, fellows enter a community of dedicated professionals who are committed to the improvement of education through effective writing practices.
Three core principles guide the work of the ISI:
- Teachers are the best teachers of other teachers.
- Teachers are writers who understand and improve their practice when they write themselves.
- Teachers are leaders who can affect change in their classrooms and communities.
“The experience has already impacted me personally as I have seen myself grow in the way I look at myself as a writer, a teacher, and a person”
“I realized that I could write! Now I need to apply all that I’ve learned to my teaching. I feel energized and ready to go”
“Writing for my peers brought more authenticity to my teaching, and I can see how writing for the public (publishing) could be a paradigm-shifting experience”
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