Dr. Alice Gooding Shares Forensic Anthropology Expertise in the Classroom

KENNESAW, Ga. (Nov 1, 2018) — Dr. Alice Gooding, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, was recently featured in Kennesaw State University News in an article about how she shares her forensic anthropology expertise in the classroom!
"Students taking Gooding’s course, The Human Skeleton, get a glimpse of the world that Gooding operates in as a forensic anthropologist and also gain hands-on experience with human osteology, the study of the human skeletal system. The class covers bone biology, anatomical terminology, bony landmarks and bone variation to examine how anthropologies use skeletons in forensic, genetic and bioarcheological contexts. With a specialty in biological anthropology and osteology, the study of bones, Gooding shines in the class that covers the human skeleton from head to toe."
"Gooding is excited to see the class full and with students interested in learning all they can about bones and the opportunities found within them."
"Previously, there wasn’t the opportunity to really study bones like this. We had a little section on bones in some biology courses, but otherwise nothing like this," she said.
"In addition to her work at Kennesaw State, Gooding uses her specialty with bones to help the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. She serves as a forensic anthropologist for the state of Georgia and also teaches law enforcement professionals courses on forensic anthropology and clandestine grave recovery. Forensic anthropology is a specialized area of anthropology that focuses on using bones to answer questions like: who is this, how did they die, and how long ago did they die? Those questions are vital for cases Gooding works with the GBI."
Read the full article here in KSU News.