Psychology Honors

Psychology students at Kennesaw State University can participate in honors in one of two tracks: University Honors Program & Honors in the Major.


Please carefully read the documents provided by Honor’s College. They may provide answers to all or most of your questions. The following information is specifically geared towards psychology students who are enrolled in the Honor’s College.

  • The Department of Psychological Science requires a minimum 3.75 GPA to be an Honors student in the psychology major. 

  • Based on a number of factors including suitability of the course for an Honor’s Contract and faculty’s current workload, the faculty will decide whether the Honors Contract would be a good fit for their class. If the faculty can supervise the Honors Contract, then the two of you will work out the specific requirements and timeline. If the faculty cannot supervise the Honors Contract, or if they think the course is just not suitable for such, they will provide recommendations within the Department, if possible.

  • The Department of Psychological Science strongly recommends that you take HON 4497 first to work on the proposal of your capstone project. Upon successful completion of HON 4497, you will then proceed to taking HON 4499. We do not recommend taking these two courses currently within one semester.
    • If you already know who you want to work with, contact them directly.
    • Otherwise, check the department website for information on faculty and their research areas.
    • If you find someone whose research interest is similar to your proposed project, contact them directly.
    • If you are not able to find anyone on your own or are not sure, contact one of the Honors Liaisons listed below and they will try their best to recommend faculty members who may be able to supervise your capstone project. They will suggest some faculty members to you but it’s your responsibility to contact the faculty members directly to ask if they will be able to supervise your Honor’s project.
    • It’s best to send an email to set up either an in-person or virtual appointment with the faculty member. All faculty members’ email addresses are available on the Department of Psychological Science website.
    • In the email, clearly explain who you are, what you plan to do for your Honor’s Capstone project (the Honor’s College has listed several options) and what your area of interest is. Ask whether the faculty member is available and willing to supervise you in HON 4497 and HON 4499.
    • Once the faculty has agreed to supervise your capstone work, please follow the procedures determined by the Honor’s College and fill out the necessary paperwork.
    • If the faculty member is not able to supervise you, then contact another professor in the department.
  • You must send your paper for a second reading to your Honors Liaison, depending on who initially signed the paperwork as your liaison, at least a week before the thesis is due by the Honor’s College to ensure they have sufficient time to read and give you feedback.

    Honors Liaisons: