Statement on Academic Honesty

Kennesaw State University’s Code of Conduct:

Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Student Code of Conduct, as published in the Department of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity (SCAI) website and in each year's student handbook. The Student Code of Conduct addresses the University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism and cheating; unauthorized access to University materials; misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work; malicious removal, retention, or destruction of library materials; malicious/intentional misuse of computer facilities and/or services; and misuse of student identification cards. Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established SCAI misconduct procedures.

Plagiarism and Cheating

According to the Student Code of Conduct:

1) Cheating. Receiving, attempting to receive, knowingly giving or attempting to give unauthorized assistance in the preparation of any course work (including, but not limited to, examinations, laboratory reports, essays, themes, term papers) is considered cheating, as is engaging in any behavior that a professor prohibits as academic misconduct in the syllabus or class discussion. Unless specifically authorized, using and/or having access to electronic devices during an examination, quiz, test or other assessment is automatically considered cheating, regardless of the student’s reason for using/accessing the device. Additionally, unauthorized collaboration and sharing of materials in an electronic group chat is cheating, and said participation shall be determined by an evaluation of all facts available regarding participation.

2) Plagiarism. Including direct quotations from other sources into work required to be submitted for credit without indicating them as such by quotation marks, block quotes or other appropriate formatting. Incorporating the work of someone (e.g. ideas, theories, data, figures, graphs, programs, electronic based information, illustrations, etc.) into a paper or project without due acknowledgement;

3) Self-Plagiarism. Submitting any work for credit which was not authored specifically and originally for the assignment in question without the prior permission of the professor receiving that assignment. Most commonly, this means submitting the same, or substantially the same, paper or other assignment for credit in more than one class.

Specifically within the Department of Psychological Science

Although the Department of Psychological Science supports multidisciplinary and focused scholarly interests, we do not ordinarily allow students to turn in (or modify) a paper from a previous course or use the same paper for multiple courses. Students should meet with their course instructor(s) to clarify individual policies regarding this matter as well as to ensure violations do not occur. Also, refer to the current edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for specific guidelines on APA format regarding citations and references.

Student-Friendly "How Not to Plagiarize" Web sites

Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA, 2002)

KSU Student Code of Conduct
