Students: Would you like to supplement your classroom learning with workplace experience?
The Technical Communication and Interactive Design Department (TCID) provides you with an opportunity to earn internship class credit in either degree - Interactive Design or Technical Communication.
An internship is a valuable form of “learning by doing.” Internships can help you in a number of important ways. Benefits:
- Gain professional experience related to your major
- Apply knowledge learned in the classroom to workplace situations
- Network with industry professionals
- Bolster your academic learning with workplace experience
- Earn extra money if the internship is paid
- Provide you with portfolio pieces
How Do I Apply For An Internship?
- Speak with advisor, Lara Berry, to ensure that class credit can be used towards graduation.
- Speak with department chair, Dr. Laura Palmer, about the details of the internship. If she tentatively approves, then go to
- Click on “Apply for Academic Credit”
- Scroll to "Technical Communication and Interactive Design"
- Click on “APPLY” to get to the online application.
- Fill out application
- Email to let us know you filled out the application
What Are My Responsibilities for Completing an Internship for Credit?
- Keep a daily log or journal of your internship activities.
- Submit three progress reports after completing 30 hours, 60 hours, and 90 hours of internship activities.
- Participate in two conferences with the TCID Internship Coordinator.
- Submit a final internship project report with sample internship projects.
- Evaluate your internship experience in a memo to the TCID Internship Coordinator.
- Ask your workplace supervisor to submit an evaluation of your internship to the TCID Internship Coordinator.
Can I Do an Internship For Credit With a Non-Profit Organization?
Some students think that you can only do an internship for credit with a for-profit company. That’s not true. Some of our best internships have been with nonprofits. The most important factor to keep in mind when you are looking for an internship is that the internship for credit must provide you with “new knowledge” related to your major. The internship cannot merely duplicate skills and knowledge you already have.
Do you have a need for interns that can write, present, and communicate complex ideas in a way that everyone can understand? Or, do you have a need for an intern that can prototype, design, and test your application or website with the user's needs in mind? If you do, then our students are a perfect fit for your needs! Please contact for more information about our degree programs, our students' skill sets, and how to make sure our students know about your amazing job opportunity.
We welcome industry vistors to our department. If you are interested in speaking with our students in a class, hosting a lunch and learn, or having a group interview for summer internships, please contact program coordinator, Kenni Raye Smith.
You can also list your internship or job opportunity on Handshake, the Kennesaw State student job portal. For more information about being an Employer on Handshake, attending our Career Fairs, and more, please visit our friends at Kennesaw State Career Planning.
Know that we are here to help you!
Questions? Contact us @ 470.578.5533 OR