2011 KSU Student Research Symposium Poster Winners
KENNESAW, Ga. (Apr 27, 2011) — The winners in the first annual competition for best geography, anthropology and GISc poster at the 16th annual KSU Student Research Symposium are:
Anthropology Program:
1 st Place: Horticulture as a North American Subsistence Strategy – Vicki Ina F. Gloer,
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Brandon D. Lundy
Honorable Mention: If at First You Don’t Succeed, Remise, Remise, Remise: Hierarchy
and Identity Among Fencers – Kaitlin E. Crow, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Brandon D. Lundy
Geography Program:
1 st Place: Global Perspectives: A Comparison of Geography, Environment and Culture
in Latin America and the United States – Matthew R. Lloyd & John Nicholas Stoerner,
Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Nancy Hoalst-Pullen
GISc Program:
1 st Place: Fastest way to a Fire: Exploring the Boundaries of GIS – Jacqueline S.
Waits, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Nancy Hoalst-Pullen
Honorable Mention: Campus Green: A Spatial Analysis of Tree Species on the KSU Campus
– Aaron Broyles, Faculty Sponsor: Dr. Nancy Hoalst-Pullen
All of the 2011 poster competition submissions can be viewed at http://cheyenne.gis.kennesaw.edu/Symposium
The competition is sponsored by the Department of Geography and Anthropology Advisory Board. Congratuations to all the student winners and faculty sponsors!