Giving Opportunities

There are many ways to make contributions to support the Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS). From a $5 or $10 donation to multi-million-dollar gifts of support, we can assist you in identifying scholarship endowments, research, student engagement opportunities, social equity programs, distinguished professorships, naming opportunities, and more.  

Your giving supports our commitment to offering world-class transdisciplinary, experiential learning  that equips students with valuable professional skills, career readiness and diverse experiences, as well as supporting our award-winning faculty in their ability to conduct research with relevance. Click on the link below, or scroll down to connect to our RCHSS Director of Development, Akua Asiamah Andrade, to discuss your giving strategy.


If you would like your donation to go to a specific scholarship, please put the name of the scholarship in the Comments/Other Designation section.


Featured Giving Categories


This fund supports new and continuing initiatives enabling the college to address emerging strategic opportunities, including the integration of traditional and cutting-edge approaches to research, teaching, and learning for which other funding may not be readily available. The advancement of faculty and student engagement and success, opening up opportunities for undergraduate research, and team science approaches to research, teaching and practice benefit from the Dean’s Academic Excellence fund. 


Our faculty are charged with conducting research that is in line with our status as a student-centered, research driven R2 institution. Opportunities for supporting our research mission include, but are not limited to, named professorships, faculty fellowships, research equipment and infrastructure, sponsored research, and supporting our research institutes and centers through naming opportunities. 


You may be most familiar with student scholarships as a means to advancing a student’s academic goals through financial support. Our named endowed scholarships, annual college, department and school scholarships, our KSU Journey Honors Scholarships for RCHSS students, named scholarship support, student-based projects and graduate research and teaching assistant scholarships and stipends are all excellent ways to directly support our undergraduate and graduate students. 


Nothing can compare to hands-on, experiential learning, the thrill of studying abroad, or the motivation that participating in academic competition. The opportunity to put theory into practice and take lived experience into a professional job opportunity is invaluable. Your support for service-learning, capstone projects, undergraduate research, life-changing international study, and academic competitions that offer financial awards for excellence offer a range of opportunities for your support and give students one in a lifetime experiences. 


The Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences offer several ways you can make positive social change through your support of our Dean Fellowship program for graduate students; or investing in our Post-Doctoral Fellowship that enables us to bring the brightest minds to KSU for a 12-month position.


  • Akua Asiamah Andrade

    For More Information on How You Can Make an Impact

    Please Contact Akua Asiamah Andrade

    Director of Development

