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Get to know our College
The Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS) is the largest of the 11 colleges that comprise KSU. We believe positions our college to be the role model and standard bearer for exemplary programs, award-wining faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and ample resources to ensure our students’ success. Our ability to live up to that ideal is achieved in part because of the generosity of our namesake donor, Norman J. Radow, and the many other donors who help fund scholarships, programs, and the physical resources necessary to develop and implement our cutting-edge, forward-thinking curricula that is the foundation of our undergraduate and graduate degree programs. As you consider your contribution to RCHSS, click the links below to learn more about each of our schools and departments and the exciting programs we have to offer.
School of Communication and Media
School Director: Barbara Gainey
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 5106Phone: 470-578-6298
School of Conflict Management, Peacebuilding and Development
Interim School Director: Charity Butcher
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
3201 Campus Loop RoadPhone: 470-578-2379
School of Government and International Affairs
School Director: Kerwin Swint
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 5047Phone: 470-578-6227
Department of English
Department Chair: John Havard
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
English #440, Rm. 155Phone: 470-578-6297
Department of Geography & Anthropology
Interim Department Chair: Brandon Lundy
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 4042Phone: 470-578-2373
Department of History & Philosophy
Department Chair: Bryan McGovern
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 4120Phone: 470-578-6294
Interdisciplinary Studies Department
Interim Department Chair: Deborah Smith
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 2019Phone: 470-578-2431
Department of Psychological Science
Department Chair: Corinne McNamara
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 4030Phone: 470-578-6225
Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice
Department Chair: Barbara Combs
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Social Sciences #402, Rm. 4057Phone: 470-578-6739
Department of Technical Communication and Interactive Design
Department Chair: Laura Palmer
Location: Marietta Campus -
Atrium Building (J), Rm. 333Phone: 470-578-7202
Department of World Languages and Cultures
Interim Department Chair: Federica Santini
Location: Kennesaw Campus -
Pilcher Public Service #375, Rm. 221Phone: 470-578-6366
Centers and Institutes
Center for Sustainable Journalism
Center for Conflict Management