Our Faculty Matter(s)

Faculty are the beating heart of the Radow College and KSU. Our faculty pursue excellence in the classroom, in scholarship, and in service & engagement. Dive into faculty stories, take advantage of opportunities, and learn about the resources available to faculty within the Radow College and KSU.

Celebrating Faculty Excellence



  • Radow College Content Capture

    Share Your Story!

    Submit a story idea to the College Communications Team.

  • Awards


    Radow College and KSU celebrate faculty achievement with several awards for outstanding performance in teaching, scholarship and creative activity, and engagement.

Opportunities and Resources

Dr. Alice Gooding with Students

    • Seneca Vault at Michael Twitty Event

      Professional Development Funding

      Professional Development Fund for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers

      The Radow College Professional Development Fund for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers provides funds to support a faculty member’s professional development goals. The funds can be used to attend a conference or participate in a workshop, webinar, or other justifiable, well-documented professional, instructional, or student success activity. In recognition of the critical role played by Lecturers in RCHSS’s ability to support the University’s mission, for 2024-25, the maximum funds a Lecturer can be awarded have been increased to $1000. If you have questions, please reach out to either your Department Chair or School Director, or Tom Doleys, Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, at rchssresearch@kennesaw.edu.

      Professional Development Fund for Part-Time Faculty

      The Radow College Professional Development Fund for Part-Time and Limited-Term Faculty provides funds to support a faculty member’s professional development goals. The funds can be used to attend a conference or participate in a workshop, webinar, or other justifiable, well-documented professional, instructional, or student success activity. Up to $500 may be provided. If you have questions, please reach out to either your Department Chair or School Director, or Tom Doleys, Interim Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, at rchssresearch@kennesaw.edu.

      • Office of Academic Innovation

        Office of Academic Innovation

        The Radow College’s Office of Academic Innovation offers resources and support for teaching inside and outside the classroom. The OIA hosts that Student Success Summit and provides resources on topics ranging from Generative AI to Student Success. 

      • CETL Sign


        KSU’s Center for Excellence in Teaching & Learning promotes research-based pedagogies that foster student academic engagement, learning and success. Learn more about CETL’s professional development resources for all faculty.

      • NCFFD


        KSU has an institutional membership to the ncfdd.

      • Person on Treadmill

        Employee Wellness and the Employee Assistance Program

        Take advantage of the health and wellness resources at KSU. The university has 3 fitness centers available with a variety of membership options. Through the EAP, faculty have access to resources such as counseling and referrals. 

    Events and Newsletters

    MLK Day Breakfast

    The Radow College has a vibrant series of events designed to promote leadership and career development among faculty and students.

      • 365 Days of Learning and Service

        365 Days of Learning and Service

        The 365 Days of Learning & Service initiative encourages students, faculty, and staff to participate in learning and volunteer activities that broaden knowledge and increase understanding about the depth and breadth of issues.

      • Professionals with Purpose

        Professionals with Purpose

        Professionals with Purpose is a forum for career exploration where students and leaders examine career paths that emerge from studying the humanities and social sciences. Select leaders from a range of fields become KSU scholars in residence for a day and share their professional insights.

      • Lessons in Leadership

        Lessons in Leadership

        Lessons in Leadership forum provides its faculty and staff with professional growth opportunities that broaden leadership skills and expand professional networks. This is a forum where leaders from the greater metropolitan Atlanta area, as well as from Kennesaw State University’s leadership.

      • Focus on Faculty

        Focus on Faculty

        Our Focus on Faculty Newsletter highlights the work and success of our Faculty . Click the link to view all of our past publications.

    Offices and Information

