Student Research Fund


  • Eligibility: Radow College students (undergraduate & master’s-level graduate)
  • Funding: Up to $1,500 for research projects; Up to $750 for research presentations.
  • Primary Focus: To support the conduct of original research or creative activities by Radow College students.
  • Application: Proposals accepted from September 1, 2024 – November 1, 2024.

Program Purpose

student smiling at something off cameraThe Radow College Student Research Grant Fund provides financial assistance to students – undergraduate and master’s-level graduate students – who are undertaking research or creative activities.  The primary purpose of this funding program is to support student conduct of research or production of creative outputs. Funds can be used for project-related costs, including instrumentation, survey incentives, and other materials one might need to undertake an individual research project or creative activity. Funds may also be used to offset travel costs associated with making individual conference presentations.  However, this is a secondary purpose of the program. Research and creative activities will receive priority.  Preference will also be given to projects that contribute to RCHSS student success goals.

It must be emphasized that resources may not be used merely to attend a conference. Students who apply for travel support must show they have been accepted by conference organizer as an individual to present. Team or group-based presentations are not eligible for funding.  Only one (1) individual from a project that involves multiple student researchers may apply for support. Conference panels comprised only of KSU students (and esp. members of the same course) will receive additional scrutiny.


  • Graduate students must be currently enrolled in an RCHSS master’s degree program.  
  • Undergraduate students must be declared majors in an RCHSS department or school.
  • All applicants must have a faculty supervisor who agrees to support and provide oversight.
  • All applicants must declare whether they are seeking/receiving support from other KSU sources (e.g., Graduate College, Office of Undergraduate Research). Note: A student may pool funds from multiple sources for project materials. However, given the high level of demand and limited nature of funds, students who receive funding from another KSU source are not eligible for additional RCHSS travel funding.
  • There is a limit of one (1) award per student.  

Allowable Expenses And Limitations

Awardees must submit a written plan for encumbering/spending funds to within 14 days of a funding decision. Failure to submit a spending calendar within the 14-day window risks having the funds reclaimed by the college.

  • Funds can be used for equipment, materials, and technology purchases essential to the research project or creative activity.
  • Funds can be used for travel to undertake project-related research. This includes flights, mileage, lodging, per diems, or other eligible costs.  All USG/KSU Travel rules apply (
  • Funds can be used to present at conference (subject to conditions set forth above). 
  • Conference support can cover registration, eligible transportation, and one (1) night accommodations and two (2) days of meals for in-state travel (& up to (2) nights accommodation and three (3) days of meals for out-of-state travel).  
  • Travel outside the U.S. is not supported.
  • All USG/KSU Travel rules apply ( 

NOTE: All award funds must be expensed during the fiscal year and must observe RCHSS year-end purchasing deadlines.  

Application Procedure

The application should be composed in an MS-Word compatible format using 12-point fonts and 1” margins. Text shall be double-spaced. Each Roman-numerated section should begin on a new page. Proposals that do not meet the formatting expectations will be returned unreviewed.

  1. Cover Page: Project title, student name & contact information, faculty supervisor name & contact information. 
  2. Abstract (250 words max): Describe the primary objectives of the research project or creative activity, the significance of the project/activity, and key deliverables.
  3. Project Narrative (1 page max): The narrative should include the following in clearly identifiable sections.
    1. Research Question/Project Objective: Highlight the significance of the project.  Explain clearly why your project is important, original, or otherwise significant.
    2. Methods/Approach: Be specific in how you will carry out your project. Avoiding unnecessary jargon, describe the research design or conceptual framework, as well as concrete activities to be undertaken.
    3. Expected Outcomes: Describe project deliverables. Explain how the project contributes to your development as a student in your area of study.
  4. Faculty Letter of Support: The letter should confirm faculty member support for the project. The faculty supervisor should also acknowledge her/his willingness to supervise the project through to completion, including post-project reporting requirements.
  5. Conference Presentation Confirmation (For those requesting conference presentation support): Provide a copy of the conference acceptance notification. It should indicate the conference name, project title, and project author’s name.
  6. Budget with Justification: Identify all expenses for which support is requested and explain how funds are necessary to meet project objectives. The budget must also include a statement indicating clearly whether or not funds are being sought from other campus sources. 
  7. Resume or CV (1 page max)

Materials should be submitted via email to  The email subject line should read “RCHSS Student Funding Proposal”. 


Proposals will be evaluated on the quality and feasibility of project. Consideration will be given to projects that promise to make a contribution to the student’s area of study and overall academic development. Projects that can be expected to lead to a publication or other substantive scholarly or creative output will be viewed with particular favor.  Funding for conference travel must offer compelling evidence that the student will be presenting his/her own, individual research or creative activity. Conference panels comprised only of KSU students (and esp. members of the same course) will receive extra scrutiny.

Award Expectations

  • Funded students agree to complete the project by June 30, 2025.
  • Funded students agree to submit a completion report (see next section).
  • Funded students commit to present their research at an RCHSS seminar, workshop, or other event, if requested.
  • Funded students agree to have research summarized in an RCHSS publication, if requested.
  • Funded students agree to participate in follow-on activities such as efforts to support future awardees, if requested.
  • Funded students commit to acknowledge RCHSS support in any papers or publications ensuing from the research.
  • Funded students commit to providing copies of conference papers, articles, or other scholarly/creative outputs supported by the award.  Products should be sent as an attachment to  The email subject line should read “RCHSS Student Funding”.

Reporting Requirements

  • A completion report is due within 30 days of conference travel or the project end-date.  
  • The report should be completed using the appropriate template and follow the directions found thereupon.
  • The report shall include a separate letter by the supervising faculty member attesting to the accuracy of the report.
  • Please email to The email subject line should read “RCHSS Student Fund Project Report”.
  • A project cannot be “closed” until the report has been received. An investigator with an “open” project is not eligible for future college funding support.