Professionals with Purpose

Professionals with Purpose is a forum for career exploration where students and leaders examine career paths that emerge from studying the humanities and social sciences. Select leaders from a range of fields become KSU scholars in residence for a day and share their professional insights. Drawing on their training in the humanities or social sciences and their real-world experience, these leaders offer an array of expertise through public lectures, small workshops, and Q&A sessions for students and faculty. Through these activities, students can learn best practices and challenges to launching their own career after graduation. Professionals with Purpose recognizes that initiating a meaningful career requires creativity, critical and analytical thinking, and social understanding; all skills that humanities and social science majors gain through their KSU studies.


Upcoming Events

Radow's Professionals

Our faculty are without a doubt Professionals with Purpose. Access to the right tools and most useful resources is essential. If you are looking for professional development resources, click here. If you are interested in bringing a successful professional to campus as part of the Professionals with Purpose initiative, contact Associate Dean for Student Success and Engagement, H.T. Michael Chen.

