Communication Colloquium speaker offers students 6 lessons learned in career
KENNESAW, Ga. (Sep 26, 2016) — Keeping an open mind, breaking through inertia and other challenges, being self-sufficient, having a passion for and pride in your work, and always sharpening your writing skills was advice offered to students who attended the Communication Colloquium presented by the KSU School of Communication and Media Thursday evening.
Coca-Cola North America Vice President for Public Affairs and Communication Scott Williamson offered students at the Communication Colloquium Speaker Series six lessons he has learned over his 24-years as a professional communicator at Coca-Cola.
These six lessons were:
Ignore the data—Experience, wisdom and courage are often more important than statistics.
Be Simple, Clear and Awesome—Professional communicators often discover early on how difficult the first two are in practice. All three require tremendous effort to execute simultaneously.
Iron your own shirt, polish your own shoes—Be self-sufficient in every way possible and take pride in your work.
Belief matters—Having a passion for what you are communicating is great inspiration for writers.
Question the impossible—Don’t let convention and status quo confine your plans and ideas.
Wait for both marshmallows—Be patient and rewards can be great.
“This was a great message in a terrific presentation,” said School of Communication and Media associate director for graduate studies Buddy Mayo, who emceed the event. “We are grateful to Scott and to Mart Martin, one of our Business Partners, for helping make this happen.”
“Preparing World-Ready Communicators” is the theme for the Communication Colloquium Speaker Series. The Communication Colloquium brings communication leaders and others to the KSU campus to share with students their knowledge and experience in this growing field. This is the fourth year the School of Communication and Media has presented the Colloquium.
The School of Communication and Media at KSU is home to 1500 majors. The School offers students two undergraduate majors: Public Relations and Journalism and Emerging Media; two concentrations: Media and Entertainment Studies and Organizational Communication; and two graduate programs: M.A. in Integrated Global Communication and Graduate Certificate in Digital and Social Media.