RCHSS Announces 2020-21 Grant Award Recipients


KENNESAW, Ga. (Jul 30, 2021) — The Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Kennesaw State University is happy to announce the recipients of the Scholarship Support Grant and Student Success Teaching Incentive Grant.

The overall purpose of the Scholarship Support Grant is to provide faculty with additional support and resources for impactful research/scholarship projects at various stages.  The goal is to provide a “boost” to faculty research in order for it to result in publications and/or external (non-KSU) funding.

Click here to see the full list of recipients, their projects and summaries.

Student Success Teaching Incentive Grants (TIG) focus on providing more experiential learning opportunities for students, increasing students’ sense of community and improving student retention. SSTIG Grants give faculty the opportunity to bring their scholarly expertise into the classroom to the benefit of students. Funds from these grants support initiatives aimed at enhancing student success in and outside the classroom, including but not limited to: field trips, engagement opportunities, books or supplies for project-based learning, funds to support traveling exhibits, funds for technology used for experiential learning projects, or honoraria and/or travel funds for guest lecturer presentations for classes.

Click here to see the full list of recipients and their projects.
