Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences Launches 365 Days of Learning & Service Initiative

from left: Catherine Kaukinen, Dean of RCHSS; Amy Barrow, United Way’s Sr. Director for Homelessness and Community Engagement; Journey Honors College student Haley Bufka; Aaron Goldman, President and Co-Owner, Perennial Properties and Founder and Board Chairperson, Open Doors; and Dr. Karen Kornweibel, Dean, KSU Journey Honors College
Dean Katie Kaukinen (l) launched the Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences’ new initiative 365 Days of Learning & Service. Pictured with the Dean are, from left: Amy Barrow, United Way’s Sr. Director for Homelessness and Community Engagement; Journey Honors College student Haley Bufka; Aaron Goldman, President and Co-Owner, Perennial Properties and Founder and Board Chairperson, Open Doors; and Dr. Karen Kornweibel, Dean, KSU Journey Honors College. 

KENNESAW, Ga. (Nov 16, 2022) — The Norman J. Radow College of Humanities and Social Sciences (RCHSS) announced on November 7th the launch of the 365 Days of Learning & Service initiative to bring students, faculty, and staff together to reflect on a contemporary relevant issue facing our community. Presented by Dean Katie Kaukinen and community partners including, Open Doors Atlanta, The United Way, and KSU faculty, the program enables the college to go beyond research and study and put into practice what is learned throughout the year through service opportunities. The inaugural 2022-2023 year focuses on issues surrounding housing insecurity and the experience of being un-housed.

“As a college of humanities and social sciences, it is essential that we connect what we learn with practical experiences that lead to positive change in our communities,” Dean Kaukinen said. “The ability to study an issue, apply critical reasoning to challenging issues, communicate clearly about strategic solutions, and to develop leaderships skills that can facilitate change around issues that impact all of us speaks to the very foundation of who we are as a college, an institution, and a community.”

The initiative presents a series of events and opportunities for engagement at multiple levels. Components of the program vary from year to year and may include elements such as a speaker series, service-learning classes and other opportunities for service, support for faculty to develop teaching modules, student creative design competitions, film showcases, and book discussion groups. Through the 365 Days of Learning & Service events and activities, KSU and RCHSS will develop and strengthen relationships with institutional partners in our community, and create opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to develop into leaders who drive positive change well beyond the year of study. 

Each year the initiative will address a different relevant issue facing our community. The mission is to develop a deeper understanding of the many facets of a persistent societal challenge and cultivate commitment and leadership among participants in the 365 Days of Learning & Service addressing those challenges.  The purpose of focusing on a single issue throughout the year is to inspire among participants a long-term commitment to the issue and dedication to developing actionable solutions that generate positive change.

“Although Gandhi did not actually say, ‘be the change you want to see in the world,’ this misquote succinctly expresses the spirit behind 365 Days of Learning & Service,” Kaukinen added.  “This initiative is a tangible way to deliver experiential learning opportunities that enable students to internalize issues, develop community networks, build strategic leadership skills, and cultivate empathy. We believe these are foundational tools to becoming an agent of positive change in the community as our students graduate and move into their respective professions.”
