Faculty Profiles
English Education Faculty
Dr. Darren Crovitz
Darren Crovitz is Professor of English and English Education. He earned his bachelor's in English Education at Flagler College in St. Augustine, his M.A. in Literature from UCF, and his Ph.D. in English Education at Arizona State University. Crovitz is the co-author (with Michelle Devereaux) of Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage (Routledge/NCTE, 2016) and its follow-up, More Grammar to Get Things Done: Daily Lessons for Teaching Grammar in Context (Routledge/NCTE, 2019). His scholarly interests include grammar and vocabulary instruction, writing assessment, and digital memetics.
Dr. Jennifer Dail
Jennifer S. Dail, PhD, is a professor of English Education and works primarily with graduate students. She directs the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project and serves as the president of the Georgia Council of Teachers of English. Her research focuses on digital literacies and equity, young adult literature, teacher professional development, and intersections of science and literacy. She has published multiple articles and book chapters focusing on these areas. She co-edited two books on the integrating digital literacies with young adult literature: Toward a More Visual Literacy: Shifting the Paradigm with Digital Tools and Young Adult Literature and Young Adult Literature and the Digital World: Textual Engagement through Digital Literacy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018). She co-edited two additional books on gaming literacies in the classroom: Studying Gaming Literacies: Theories to Inform Classroom Practice and Playing with Teaching: Considerations for Implementing Gaming Literacies in the Classroom (Brill | Sense, 2020).
Dr. Michelle Devereaux
Michelle D. Devereaux is Professor of English and English Education and also serves as the Director of English Education at Kennesaw State University. She has taught English Education for almost twenty years as both a secondary English teacher and a university professor. Her teaching and scholarship focus on language studies in the secondary English classroom, highlighting how linguistic and sociolinguistic concepts can be integrated into existing curricula. She has written books on rhetorical grammar in the classroom (Grammar to Get Things Done: A Practical Guide for Teachers Anchored in Real-World Usage) and edited collections about teaching linguistic diversity in the secondary English Language Arts classroom (Teaching Language Variation in the Classroom). She is a Fulbright Scholar who taught in the Czech Republic in the 2018 – 2019 academic year. During her time abroad, she became interested in Global Englishes and has recently published on global English variation in the classroom (Teaching English Variation in the Global Classroom).
Michelle Goodsite
Michelle B. Goodsite is the Clinical Practice Coordinator and Senior Lecturer of English and English Education. Her teaching and scholarship focus on mentoring and supporting students into the profession as well as establishing school and community partnerships to further extend student’s professional experiences beyond their program of study. She has worked with the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project since her early secondary teaching years and continues to support the goals of the National Writing Project in her teaching, often providing professional development to in-service teachers.
Dr. Stephen Goss
Stephen Goss, Ph.D., is an associate professor and academic advisor of English Education. He recently taught 7th and 8th grade ELA at Public Bilingual School in a large Northeastern School District. Over the course of his career he has taught ELA in a variety of settings including rural, urban and suburban schools. In each context, he has worked hard to help his students publish their writing and ideas digitally and via small and large public art installations. In the summer of 2023, Dr. Goss taught world literature and travel writing in Montepulciano, Italy. His research focuses on art integration, teacher stance, critical inquiry, digital and analog student publications, New Literacies, and meaningful integration of educational technologies into the classroom.
Dr. Beth Krone
Beth Krone is an assistant professor of English Education who researches how students talk about language and power through texts in English classrooms. Her work has been published in English Teaching: Practice & Critique, Research in the Teaching of English, and Social Sciences. She has six years of experience teaching middle and high school English in South San Francisco and New York City public schools. She enjoys working with preservice teachers at Kennesaw to consider the role of joy, play, and imagination in justice-oriented literacy work.
Dr. Dominique McDaniel
Dominique McDaniel (she/her/hers) is an assistant professor of English Education in the Department of English at Kennesaw State University’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. She received her Ph.D. in Educational Studies with a concentration in Teacher Education, and cognates in Literacy and English Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2022 and is a former middle grades English/Language arts teacher in North Carolina. Dominique taught for ten years, most recently in middle grades language arts, and holds licensure certifications in Elementary Education, Middle Grades Language Arts, High School English, and Reading K-12. Dominique’s research focuses on adolescents' activism on social media, critical approaches to digital literacies, and justice-oriented teacher education. Her dissertation, #OnlineLiteraciesMatter: A multi-case study approach of Black and Brown youths' literacy practices in social media spaces was awarded the NCTE College Composition and Communication (CCC) 2023 James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award. Dominique's recent peer-reviewed scholarship can be found in Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, Journal of Language and Literacy Education, English Journal, among other leading journals. She also has published public-facing scholarly work in The Conversation, which has been republished in the Chicago Sun-Times.
Dr. Robert Montgomery
Rob Montgomery is Professor of English and English Education. He has co-directed the Summer Institute of the Kennesaw Mountain Writing Project and assisted in teacher training through the Georgia Film Academy. His research focuses on place-based writing, Young Adult Literature, and the effect of standards and standardized testing on public education. He is the co-author of A Place to Write: Getting Your Students Out of the Classroom and into the World (NCTE) and the co-editor of the forthcoming collection, Place-Based Writing in Action: Opportunities for Authentic Writing in the World Beyond the Classroom (Routledge).