General Education: Literature (GEL)

General-Education Literature -- All general-education literature courses fulfill the C1 requirement of the core curriculum’s area C, “Humanities, Fine Arts, and Ethics” (USG Core Curriculum). Professors teach these courses as both face-to-face and online classes.

General-Education in Literature -- Statement of Philosophy: The Oxford English Dictionary defines the “core” as “the central or innermost part; the heart of anything” (def. 14).  Similarly, the core curriculum at KSU represents the heart of the university experience. It pumps “nutrients” in the form of knowledge to students, strengthening their skills and thus readying them for the rigors of advanced college work as well as preparing them for the myriad roles they will assume upon graduation. The English department regards its general-education course offerings as one of the best ways that students can fulfill these essential goals. Interdisciplinary in nature, these courses acquaint students with a diverse array of subjects, including philosophy, foreign language, political science, linguistics, and history. Courses in English literature also hone students' critical-reading and writing skills. Finally, literature courses offer a unique approach to learning, for students acquire knowledge and skills by interacting with the wondrous tales told by people hailing from diverse cultures. Like the works studied, these courses thus fulfill the ancient Latin poet Horace’s dictum to both “teach and delight.” 


All of the courses listed below fulfill the core curriculum’s “C1” requirement:

ENGL 2110: World Literature

This course fulfills section “C” of KSU’s core curriculum. Calling all globetrotters! From social justice and postcolonialism to mythic monsters and sci-fi films, this course examines how and why stories are told worldwide. Themes and selections vary per section, but students may sail the Aegean sea, journey to underworlds, or embark on quests to seek cherished items like the Holy Grail. Best of all—no passport required!

ENGL 2120: British Literature

This course fulfills section “C” of KSU’s core curriculum. For nearly two millennia the stories of British Literature have captured a vast array of human concerns, from ancient tales of the monstrous to the modern impacts of globalization. Themes and selections vary per section, but students may travel the moors with Grendel or Heathcliff, shadow Frankenstein as he creates his monster, or discover how paradise was lost and ponder if it will ever again be found.

ENGL 2130: American Literature

This course fulfills section “C” of KSU’s core curriculum. Students will discover how American writers employ the oral and literary traditions of its many peoples through literature that captures the way the nation paradoxically fulfills and falls short of its desire to be a beacon of hope to all. Themes and selections vary per section, but may cover tragic sleigh rides, deaths of salesmen, or treacherous trips on fantastical underground railroads.

ENGL 2300: African-American Literature

This course fulfills section “C” of KSU’s core curriculum. This course emphasizes the major works of the African-American literary canon with a diverse array of Black-identified writers addressing the complex question of what it means to be Black in the United States. Themes and selections vary per section, but students may explore themes of identity, cultural formation and difference, activism, or Black feminism.
