
  • dfg

    Why should you consider an internship?

    In your internship you’ll gain skills in writing, teamwork, organization, accountability, and problem-solving among many other abilities. Internship opportunities for students can foster great exploration of the field, since there are so many paths to consider and understand. Plus, you'll get course credit!

Current and Past Internship Organizations

Don't see the organization you want? Contact Dr. Jennifer Dickey for help connecting with the company that's right for you!

Application Process & FAQs

  • 1.) Student must secure an internship (start by looking at the Internship page at KSU). Student must interview with the person who will be his or her site supervisor and be offered an internship in which he or she will be able to work at least 100 hours over the course of the semester. Student may contact Dr. Jennifer Dickey ( for assistance/leads.

    2.) Student must email Dr. Jennifer Dickey requesting a copy of the syllabus. Students must meet the following general requirements in order for internship credit to be approved:

    ·         Minimum GPA of 2.75

    ·         At least 60 credit hours

    Note: The internship coordinator and HIST department reserve the right to refuse approval for other reasons including, but not limited to, a previous poor performance.

    3.) Student must submit an online internship application. The application is available on the Career Services website ( 

    4.) After the application has been processed, a representative from Career Planning and Development will contact the student via email with instructions on how to register for the class.

    5.) Student must work at least 100 hours over the course of the semester.

    6.) Student will meet with Dr. Dickey, academic supervisor, at least three times during the semester and will post weekly journal updates on D2L throughout the semester.

  • 1.) GPA Requirements: The minimum GPA is not negotiable and is subject to change in the future.

    2.) Number of Credits: Students must work a minimum of 100 hours on site for every 3 credits. Rarely will students will be approved for more than 9 credits in a fall/spring term or more than 6 credits in a summer term.

    3.) Academic Requirements: Students must complete a final paper (details provided in the syllabus), submit weekly online journal entries showing evidence of reflective thought and critical thinking, work at least the minimum required hours on site, and will receive a site supervisor’s evaluation.

    4.) Current Grading Criteria: Site Supervisor’s Evaluation 40%, Final Research Paper 30%, Weekly Journals 30%.

    5.) Workload: Internships are typically more work than a regular class. Students should not think that an internship is an easy way to gain KSU credits.

    6.) Retroactivity: Students cannot gain credit for an internship completed at some point in the past.
