Faculty Resources


Department Governance


Department Newsletter

    • Issue 7
      • Faculty Highlights: Al Churella, Silke Zoller, Tom Okie, David Jones, Marianne Holdzkom, Tom Scott, Brian Etheridge, Akanmu Adebayo
      • Student Highlights: HIST 3325 class exhibit
      • Faculty Awards and Acitivites
      • Battle of the Bulge Exhibit and Brown Bags


Student/Faculty Wellness

  • The wellness hub is a great place to point students and faculty because it has a ton of information as well as direct links to resources such as the 24/7 mental health line. It also has resources such as the "academics" tab that has helpful information about things like studying, test taking, and time management. 

  • https://www.kennesaw.edu/wellbeing/wellness-coaching.php

    For students who might need some help with things like goal setting and learning to manage their emotional wellbeing while in college, there is a peer-to-peer wellness coaching program that can be a great resource. 

  • https://counseling.kennesaw.edu/workshops-programs/pass.php

    We routinely offer Promoting Academic and Scholastic Success (PASS) virtual workshops on topics such as test anxiety, time management, and study skills. 

  • https://brt.kennesaw.edu/mental_health_training.php

    KSU has invested in an online interactive tutorial called At Risk Mental Health for Faculty and Staff to help everyone identify signs of distress, communicate openly about those concerns, and make appropriate referrals. The training takes approximately 50 minutes to complete and can be spaced out over time as your schedule permits (the program saves your responses as you progress through each scenario).


RCHSS Resources

    • Schedule your head shots here
    • Faculty Web guide here
  • Click here

    Includes MOUs, Telecommuting, Teaching, and other resources

  • Click here

    Concur guides, student travel, per diems, and other resources

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    Check out the Faculty Resource Guide, Book Groups, and other faculty resources

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    Bylaws, structure, goals, procedures, etc....

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    Find funding agencies, RCHSS grant competitions, and non-RCHSS grant competitions

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    Check out the ways that KSU recognizes its amazing faculty and staff

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    Get fiscal forms and learn about the different ways KSU procures and contracts 

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    See the different ways you can communicate with KSU and its faculty, staff, and students