Public History Minor

A minor in public history prepares students to think critically about the public presentation of history and culture and helps students develop tangible skills that will enable them to pursue graduate study in a number of fields as well as professional or avocational work at historic and cultural sites. Classroom and fieldwork combine to deliver both theoretical understanding of memory and history and practical experience in historic preservation, community documentation, museums, and cultural program development.

A total of 18 credit hours are required.  Six (6) credit hours in HIST 3325: Introduction to Public History & HIST 3398: Internship, and 12 elective credit hours.

For more information on specific classes, see our Public History Minor information in the KSU Undergraduate Catalog.

Watch the video of HIST 3325-Introduction to Public History students, who curated a traveling exhibit on MLK and local civil rights heroes in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:

To Declare a Minor:
Students desiring to declare or change their major, minor, certificate, or add/change their concentration should submit the request through Owl Express, Student Records, Declare or Change Major/Minor link.
