Faculty & Staff
Gregory Paul
Gregory Paul Interim Director & Associate Dean for Faculty ExcellencePosition:
Interim Director & Associate Dean for Faculty ExcellencePhone: (470) 578-3319
Email: gpaul11@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5014
Full-Time Faculty
Audrey Allison
Audrey Allison Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4326
Email: aalliso4@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5094
Philip Aust
Philip Aust Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-3241
Email: paust@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5104
Joshua Azriel
Joshua Azriel Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: jazriel@kennesaw.edu
Location: CP 301F
Debra Bethard-Caplick
Debra Bethard-Caplick Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: dbethar1@kennesaw.edu
Location: PS 151A
Emma Bishop
Emma Bishop Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6436
Email: ebisho17@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5080
Mackenzie Cato
Mackenzie Cato Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4844
Email: mcato8@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5061
Sangsun Choi
Sangsun Choi Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-5118
Email: schoi36@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5112
Amy Cox
Amy Cox Lecturer of Communication -
Minhao Dai
Minhao Dai Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6346
Email: mdai@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 065
Ian Dunham
Ian Dunham Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-7779
Email: idunham@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5063
May Gao
May Gao Professor of Communication and Interdisciplinary StudiesPosition:
Professor of Communication and Interdisciplinary StudiesPhone: (470) 578-2145
Email: mgao@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5084
Meredith Ginn
Meredith Ginn Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-5123
Email: mginn5@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 2040
Bobby Gutierrez
Bobby Gutierrez Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4268
Email: rgutier9@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 2040B
Kristen Heflin
Kristen Heflin Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-7972
Email: kheflin2@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5082
Emily Holler
Emily Holler Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: eholler@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5102
Pauline Howes
Pauline Howes Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-2514
Email: phowes1@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5100
Amber Hutchins
Amber Hutchins Associate Director of Graduate Studies; Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Director of Graduate Studies; Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-7749
Email: ahutch13@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5088
Russell James
Russell James Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: rjames75@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5120
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Johnson Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: sjohn172@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5083
Jeannette Jordan
Jeannette Jordan Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-7725
Email: jjorda87@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 2039
Heeman Kim
Heeman Kim Coordinator, Asian Studies Program; Associate Professor of Communication and Interdisciplinary StudiesPosition:
Coordinator, Asian Studies Program; Associate Professor of Communication and Interdisciplinary StudiesPhone: (470) 578-2078
Email: hkim21@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5098
Farooq Kperogi
Farooq Kperogi Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-7735
Email: fkperogi@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5092
Peter Latino
Peter Latino Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4222
Email: platino@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 121
Carmen Madison
Carmen Madison Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: cmadiso8@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Robin Mathis
Robin Mathis Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: rmathi18@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5110
Stephen McNeill
Stephen McNeill Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-3538
Email: smcneil2@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5099
Milad Minooie
Milad Minooie Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6599
Email: mminooie@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5108
Stella Payne
Stella Payne Manager of Internships and Engagement; Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Manager of Internships and Engagement; Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-2707
Email: spayne66@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5107
Justin Pettigrew
Justin Pettigrew Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-2247
Email: jpettig9@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5090
Jan Phillips
Jan Phillips Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Senior Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6339
Email: jphillip@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5096
Meredith Pruden
Meredith Pruden Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: mpruden@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Roslyn Satchel
Roslyn Satchel Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-2318
Email: rsatchel@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 3008
Emily Scheinfeld
Emily Scheinfeld Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-2572
Email: escheinf@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 058
Karen Sichler
Karen Sichler Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: ksichler@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Burton Speakman
Burton Speakman Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4508
Email: bspeakma@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 192
Matthew Terrell
Matthew Terrell Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-4523
Email: mterre20@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5109
Elaine Venter
Elaine Venter Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: eventer1@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Tom Vizcarrondo
Tom Vizcarrondo Associate Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Associate Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-5117
Email: tvizcarr@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5101
Amanda Weed
Amanda Weed Assistant Professor of CommunicationPosition:
Assistant Professor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6503
Email: aweed2@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5095
Steven Young
Steven Young Lecturer of CommunicationPosition:
Lecturer of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: syoun130@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 60
Part-Time and Limited-Term Faculty
Morgan Clapp
Morgan Clapp Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: mclapp2@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Jennifer DeMuro
Jennifer DeMuro Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: jdemuro@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Terri Dudenhoeffer
Terri Dudenhoeffer Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-3335
Email: tdudenho@kennesaw.edu
Location: EB 155
Bram Duffee
Bram Duffee Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: bduffee@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Amy Floyd
Amy Floyd Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: afloyd46@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Dominique Gardner
Dominique Gardner Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: dgardn36@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Kimyetta Hayden
Kimyetta Hayden Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: khayden6@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Charlene Johnson
Charlene Johnson Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: ctayl109@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Allison Jones
Allison Jones Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: ajone652@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Bert Kelly
Bert Kelly Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: bkelly17@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Megan Mapes
Megan Mapes Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: mmapes1@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Maria Odum-Hinmon
Maria Odum-Hinmon Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: modumhin@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Lisa Russell
Lisa Russell Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: lrussel7@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Robert Stewart
Robert Stewart Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: rstewa71@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Christopher Thompson
Christopher Thompson Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: cthom538@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Kylie Torres
Kylie Torres Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: ktorres5@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106
Robert Zuercher
Robert Zuercher Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPosition:
Part-time Instructor of CommunicationPhone: (470) 578-6298
Email: rzuerche@kennesaw.edu
Location: SO 5106