Civil War Center Recognizes Battlefield Preservation Efforts


KENNESAW, Ga. (May 1, 2017) — As a native of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I grew up with the slogan, “Virginia is for lovers.” We all know that the same holds true for February and Valentine’s Day. The Center for the Study of the Civil War Era at Kennesaw State University would also like to emphasize that this sentiment fits appropriately for the month in another different and profound way for those who love History, study the war that gashed the nation from 1861-1865, and desire to preserve the battlefields and historic sites that mark that conflict across our land. February 25, 2017, will feature the Battlefield Preservation Recognition Dinner in which participants demonstrate support for the efforts to maintain these important historic sites, especially in Georgia.

 We all know that modern encroachments continue to threaten the remaining locations that provide historical context for us and for all future generations. Even as conscientious developers work with communities to ensure that some existing trenches and battlelines serve as greenspaces for their residents, others are less than considerate of these historic footprints. The actions of organizations like Civil War Trust and Georgia Battlefields Association have ensured that identification, acquisition, and interpretation of these critical grounds continue in ways that will benefit us all. The Civil War Center and its membership applaud these efforts and support their continuation as we honor such organizations. A nomination process will allow additional groups and individuals to receive this recognition so that the work can continue to be highlighted. Details on registration are available on-line at the Center’s website.


Dr. Brian Wills
