Dave Ayers, PhD Candidate, Accepts Assistant Professor Position at University of West Georgia


KENNESAW, Ga. (Apr 17, 2018)Mr. Dave Ayers will join the faculty of the University of West Georgia's Department of Criminology as a tenure-track assistant professor beginning August 1, 2018. Mr. Ayers is a graduate of UWG’s Department of Criminology’s master’s program and is a Ph.D. candidate in Kennesaw State University's International Conflict Management program. He has been teaching at UWG for several years as a limited-term instructor while working on his doctoral degree, and the Department is excited to welcome him to his new position. He is an invested teacher who educates the whole person, and his passion for teaching and helping students be successful is praiseworthy. His consistent record of effectiveness in teaching, service, and professional development is creditable, and the Department looks forward to his continued and expanding success as an assistant professor. 

