Dr. Robert H. "Robin" Dorff selected as next Dean of CHSS
KENNESAW, Ga. (May 1, 2012) — Kennesaw State University and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences are pleased to announce that Dr. Robert H. "Robin" Dorff, Research Professor of National Security Affairs and General Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research at the Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War College, will become Dean of KSU's College of Humanities and Social Sciences effective July 1, 2012. Before assuming his present position at the Army War College, Dr. Dorff held faculty positions in political science at North Carolina State University and Michigan State University. He has also served as chair of the Department of National Security and Strategy at the Army War College. I am extremely pleased that Robin and his wife Caroline will soon be members of the KSU community.
President Papp would like to say thanks to the Search Committee, chaired Interim Dean of the Coles College of Business Kat Schwaig, for a job well done. Thank you!
President Papp would also like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Rich Vengroff for his six years of excellent service as Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Thank you Rich!