SCJ Panel Discussion: What About Weed? The Marijuana Controversy
KENNESAW, Ga. (Mar 30, 2016) — The Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice hosted a panel discussion on March 28th at 6:30pm in Social Science 1021 entitled, “What About Weed? The Marijuana Controversy”
The Panel consisted of:
Andre Griggs, LPC, NCC - KSU Counseling and Psychological Services
Dr. Tanja Link - Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Solicitor General
Barry Morgan - Cobb County Solicitor General and Instructor of Criminal Justice
Dr. Gregg Raduka - Director of Prevention/Intervention with The Council on Alcohol and Drugs
Dr. Ken White - Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Political Science
Dr. Peter Fenton, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, was the moderator. Dr. Robin Dorff, Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Science, welcomed the audience of approximately 150 and introduced the panelists. Dr. Jim McCafferty organized the event.
In a question and answer format, the panelists were asked to explain current marijuana laws, arrest and prosecution under current laws, proposed changes to the current law, the sociological perspective of marijuana, impact on communities, addiction and treatment and possible pros and cons of legalization or decriminalization.
Dr. Peter Fenton summed it up best in his closing remarks when he said, “This is what the University is really all about. Learned people coming together to share ideas in an environment of mutual respect. They won’t agree on everything, but will look for points of commonality”.