Successful Dissertation Defenses Clear the Way for Four PhD Students to Graduate in May
KENNESAW, Ga. (Aug 1, 2016) — On Wednesday, May 13, 2015, Senai Abraha, Jamil Al Wekhian, Chux Ibekwe and Sunil Pokhrel will be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree, after successfully defending their dissertations to complete the requirements of the PhD program in International Conflict Management.
Mr. Abraha's dissertation titled "Modeling Peacekeeping: The Case of Canada Examined"; Mr. Al Wekhian's dissertation titled " Conflict Behaviors; Culture, Gender, and Religiosity as Predictors for Conflict Management Styles Among First and Second-Generation Arab-Muslim Immigrants in the United States"; Mr. Ibekwe's dissertation titled " Corruption in Oil Revenue Redistribution and Conflict in Bayelsa State, Nigeria; and Mr. Pokrel's dissertation titled "Identity-based Conflict and the Role of Print Media in the Pahadi Community of Contemporary Nepal" all passed after a successful presentation to their dissertation committee, faculty, program administration and colleagues.