Drs. Scherer and McCafferty publish a new article in Violence and Victims
KENNESAW, Ga. (Dec 1, 2017) — Drs. Scherer and McCafferty published a new article this week called "Reducing Violence in Correctional Institutions: Revalidation of the Inmate Risk Assessment for Violent, Nonsexual Victimization" in Violence and Victims. The article was co-authored with Dr. Ryan Labrecque (Portland State University). Using a sample of approximately 2,000 inmates across 12 prisons, this study found that measures from the RVNSV could validly predict inmate victimization. Therefore, prison officials can use the RVNSV to help identify inmates at high-risk for victimization and then take steps to help mitigate such risks. This is the first study to validate the RVNSV on a sample of American offenders. For more information, the article can be found at: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/vav/pre-prints/content-vv2017-sep_a8_labrecque_001-017